Friday, October 28, 2011

You have GOT to be fricken kidding me: Cross-dressing teacher OK in Vancouver school

No.  It's not OK and I would yank my kid, first from that moron's class, then from a school district that allows such nonsense.

This kind of crap is absurd.  What would the district's response be if any student's showed up cross-dressing?  You know damned well they'd send him home.  The whole point is to eliminate disruption and distraction... and these clowns are now institutionalizing it.


Some clowns APPLAUD this idiot and his moronic school district, now that the rag has finally gotten around to publishing this story:

Gregory Dennis · Top Commenter
Why is this news? If the teacher was compentent and was respectful toward students and administration, who cares what was worn. Shame on the Columbian for pandering to the usual social conservatives by posting this as "news". And shame on the students who were disruptive.
  • Good for the district! However, instead of removing snickering students, it might be a better to educate them on diversity. Not everybody dresses, acts, looks, or believes in the same thing.

  • Pienkowski Christine · · Top Commenter

  • That must have taken incredible courage and determination. Applause!

  • Of course, if he decided to go naked?  Obviously, that's his right, and those who didn't like it... well, they're bigots... and they don't understand diversity.

    Or if it was a woman showing up topless... well, would THAT have been "courage" to be "applauded?"

    For the few of the clowns supporting this nonsense who actually work in the private sector, ask yourself: how long would it take for an idiot like this to get fired if he showed up dress like a female?

    Just another reason to despise fringe left teachers and their fellow travelers.

    Cross-dressing teacher OK in Vancouver school

    Published 06:50 a.m., Friday, October 28, 2011

    Page 1 of 1
    VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — The Evergreen School District is telling Vancouver parents it has no problem with a male substitute teacher who dresses like a woman as long as he follows the dress code that prohibits outfits that are too short, too tight or low cut.

    KATU reports ( ) the sub filled in Wednesday at a humanities class at Wy'East Middle School. Some kids who were laughing and making jokes were pulled out of class.

    The district says the sub has worked in the school district 19 days this school year at 13 different schools.


    1. Strange how it is news all over the Northwest, except at the Columbian.

      I heard kids laughing were pulled out of class.

      Indoctrination of the sickness of the left?

    2. The latest is he is protected by the law, since he is a member of a "protected classification"

    3. Could a teacher wear a burka at school? How about a really short skirt? My son was sent home for wearing a t-shirt that said "Hash" on it. They wouldn't even let him paint his last name on his parking space until I (in my lawyer mode) called.

      After school, I don't give a damn what a teacher wears.

    4. Summed up neatly and accurately.


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