Sunday, October 30, 2011

David Madore's John Laird screw up.

Last night, David Madore discovered what those actively engaged in politics know intuitively: it's a full contact sport.

This morning, John Laird unloaded on David Madore.  When all the smoke clears, however, David failed to understand that first, no one gives a rat's ass what a scumbag like Laird writes and second, when you're in the Omelet Making Business, a few eggs have to be broken.

Lesson One:

Madore was attacked for precisely the same reason that cancer on the butt of our community attacks me or anyone else: He opposes their agenda/candidates.

Lesson Two:

They will do anything they can to undercut and discredit any serious effort to compete with the candidates and causes they support.

Lesson Three:

To undercut your own efforts because of a weasel like Laird is to cede power to the mold that is the Columbian.

The ad campaign that this scumball wants you to "ignore" is accurate... on every level.

Here's the bottom line:  Had Madore's effort been in SUPPORT of the candidates/causes that Laird and the local version of Pravda WANT to see implemented... and written the same way about those OPPOSING these issues in support of their candidates, do you, for one minute, believe Laird or any of that cabal would have attacked Madore?

Of course not.

Bob Koski states it best:  "The flak is heaviest when you're over the target."

David Madore has lost heart.  In losing heart, which is his to lose, John Laird's column has succeeded, guaranteeing David Madore's political irrelevance.

Laird knows what all those in politics knows: anger is the force that moves an electorate.

Laird can't have this electorate moved.  He can't have people elected who actually oppose his agenda and that of the filthy rag he works for.  So what does he do?

The only thing he can do.  He attacks Madore in their ongoing attempt to discredit and belittle Madore.  He "Rule Fives" Madore (Look up Alinsky's Rules) in an effort to lessen Madore's impact.  And he causes Madore to be plagued with self-doubt.

Madore has to realize that there is NOTHING he can do about any attacks because they will keep coming NO MATTER HOW HE PRESENTS HIS VIEW AS LONG AS THAT VIEW CONFLICTS WITH THAT OF THE RAG ATTACKING HIM NOW.

He can be nice.  It won't matter.

He can be professorial.  It won't matter.

He can actually believe that leftist scum like Laird are only in it for altruistic reasons.  It won't matter.

Oppose them at any serious level and in ANY WAY, and they will do everything they can to discredit you...NO MATTER HOW YOU GO ABOUT IT.

Well, here's the deal, David: if you let a scumbag like Laird impact what you do and how you do it in ANY WAY, then you are in the wrong business and it's time for you to wiz on the fire and call in the dogs.

You see, I CANNOT OVERSTATE Lard's insignificance.  He's a rank hypocrite on so many levels, a fringe-left whack job who lives to attack, to exaggerate, to lie.  That's what he is.  That's what he does.

It seems that David is shaken up by this whole thing.  And that's a shame, really, because he had the ability to be a contender.

No longer.

He's like a fighter who stepped in the ring and quit the fight because he actually got hit.


Do yourself a favor, David: get out.  Your altruistic view of politics as some kind of polite debating society is guaranteed to just drain your bank account and accomplish nothing, while scum like Laird continue to hold you up as a piƱata and beat the hell out of you.

Because now, all you've done is hand victory over to your enemies by running away from your own positions and destroying the credibility of the message.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate and admire Mr. Madore and hope he continues.

    Pardon me if I desperately cling to the idea that intelligent, sincere, accomplished people can participate in politics.

    p.s. I also still watch Disney movies.


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