Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and Jeanne "Gavel Down" Harris: a match made in heaven.

As the reader likely knows, Vancouver is cursed with two genuine slimeballs in their government.

The first is Mayor Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, a name applied to him by one of the idiots shilling Occupy Vancouver... and as a result of his despicable campaign where lie upon lie was the platform he ran on.

The second is Psycho Jeannie "Gavel Down" Harris, internationally renown as the blithering idiot who flipped out, on camera, attacking someone wise enough to oppose her worldview in front of the council... which subsiquently led to The Liar's efforts to censor the community he is SUPPOSED to serve... because much of that community believes him... and Harris... to be scum.

And, of course, they'd be right.

This brief summation is to set the table for this garbage:

For these two scum to talk about "apologizing" or "hypocrisy" is enough to make a maggot barf.

These two slime have got to go.

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