Thursday, September 08, 2011

The NEVER ending idiocy of the democratian on scamming the people for their profits - In Our View: Wait for Baseball

Among other things, Lyndon Johnson is known for saying that, "down in Texas, when we buy a politician... he STAYS bought."

Since the local cancer on our community will be making a considerable amount of money off the baseball scam without ONCE offering to tax THEIR product to help pay for the new facilities for the Yakima Millionaires baseball team, their incessant prattle about what a great idea it would be to bend 400,000 of us over for these clowns is as worthless as the rest of their rag.

In April of last year, this very toilet paper roll railed against the idea of using tax dollars to fund a stadium when it became clear the beavers were going to be sent packing in favor of a bunch of guys running around in their underwear kicking a small ball.

As it is now, the push back from an already tax-abused, unemployed, housing-poor county has been stark and over-whelming.  The result?
Bears could open negotiations with Yakima once again

YAKIMA, Wash.-- Now that the Yakima Bears will be playing another season at Yakima County Stadium, the option of them staying in the area for a lot longer could be back on the table.

It's well known the Bears have been looking for a new home. The City of Vancouver is a major player in the possible move.

But team officials say that since they still have not made a deal with Vancouver, they will be playing the 2012 season in Yakima.

The team hoped to be in a permanent, suitable stadium by next year but with contracts still being negotiated in Vancouver, construction wouldn't be completed in time.

Team officials did say that although they are looking to move forward with Vancouver, if Yakima decides to rejoin negotiations, they're not opposed to the possibility of staying.

It's well known the Bears have been looking for a new home. The City of Vancouver is a major player in the possible move.

But team officials say that since they still have not made a deal with Vancouver, they will be playing the 2012 season in Yakima.

The team hoped to be in a permanent, suitable stadium by next year but with contracts still being negotiated in Vancouver, construction wouldn't be completed in time.

Team officials did say that although they are looking to move forward with Vancouver, if Yakima decides to rejoin negotiations, they're not opposed to the possibility of staying.
So when our local carbuncle babbles about what a great idea this rip off of an admissions tax... a tax that, ONCE AGAIN, the slime at our local rag have not, and WILL not ofgfer to pay themselves for THEIR product, always remember that their motive has NOTHING to do with what's best for the people.

No, this is all about what's best for the local rag... no matter how many people and businesses get hurt.

Everything they print on the subject MUST be read through the filter of their obvious conflict of interest... a conflict they NEVER mention... as if it doesn't exist.

The rag, of course, wants "the stakeholders to get it right," yet at no time have they demanded that the biggest group of stakeholders, the 400,000+ of us in Clark County who will never set foot in their money-making machine get a say.

If the slimebags at the democratian wanted to "get it right," they'd join in the demand that ANY tax on this unnecessary hood ornament on the economic vehicle of this county BE PUT TO A VOTE.

There's been no such demand from these self-serving scum.  Like the fact that they have no trouble at all taxing admissions to ENTIRELY unrelated events and movies at a cost far higher then THOSE ACTUALLY ATTENDING THE GAMES THEMSELVES... or the fact they wouldn't DREAM of offering up THEIR product for taxation... the stench of their rank hypocrisy fills the community.

While the rag babbles this:
As The Columbian has opined, this long and complicated process must be thoroughly vetted, with every possible impact examined in detail, every decision carefully researched and with abundant, open collaboration among county and city officials.
There are two separate and distinct facts we know for sure:

First, there is no acceptable reason for these slime to change their position on this.  To them, it doesn't matter one whit that this piece of crap would get destroyed at the polls as this colossal waste of money continues to be considered because my brother-in-law, Commissioner Marc Boldt, lacks the necessary testosterone to put a stop to all this nonsense, just one of the MANY issues he will face in his increasingly forlorn effort at re-election.

There is no fact or series of facts; no impact or series of impacts that would get these people to re-evaluate and come to the conclusion that's obvious to a blind man: this thing benefits the few at the expense of the many so that those few, including our despicable rag, will profit from usd all without asking us.

Second, as a result, when they print crap like the paragraph above, it's pure fiction.


Because if they REALLY cared about "vetting" this dogpile, they'd demand that those of us actually PAYING THE BILLS would be able to "vet" it at the polls.

And you don't hear that from them, do you?

They go on to babble:
But we have to wonder why there hasn’t been greater support of this process by local politicians at all levels. There’s no front that suggests those who are elected to lead actually want to take a leadership role to promote this asset.
Could any group be so remarkably stupid?

It's positively FRIGHTENING that these scum hold any position of responsibility in ANYTHING, let alone a large newspaper.

Those in a position to rape us are hearing the warnings that they'd better not.

See, in a way that's all-too-typical of this fringe-left rag, if you don't do what they want, when they want, the WAY they want.... why, you're not showing "leadership."

Let me make it simple enough tyhat the dull-normal types like Brancaccio and Laird running the local Pravda Izvestia can understand it:

"Leadership" does not and never will include the concept of ignoring your constituency.

That's a straightforward fact these clowns simply seem unable to grasp.  An unresponsive government is a FIRED government, and if Boldt is a "yes" on this scam, I will do everything I can to insure he's FIRED next year.

And I can do a lot, can't I, Marc?

The rags complete reliance on the downtown mafia, consisting of
That indifference is perplexing because it runs counter to the vigorous support expressed by the Columbia River Economic Development Council, Identity Clark County, Vancouver’s Downtown Association and other groups.
The "vigorous support" of these "groups, which runs massively opposed to the overwhelming opposition of the people, is, like the despicable rag spewing this swill, profit driven.

Like the rag, they see no further then the dollar signs.

And frankly, that these slimeballs, who are only concerned about what's best for them, support this is reason enough, BY ITSELF, to oppose this entire rip off.

That the rag wants to ignore the people isn't new.  Their support of the waste of billions on the CRC/Loot Rail scam is already well known; the fact that they remain silent in the face of the lies by Steve "The Liar" Stuart and Tim "The Liar" Leavitt over the bridge scam is well known.

But the idea that they claim a lack of understanding as to why so many elected officials oppose this crap pile is baffling, since a 5th grade classroom representative could see it in a minute.

But then, cash can be blinding... right, Lou?

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