Monday, September 26, 2011

ILWU scum launch recall efforts against Cowlitz County Sheriff.

The pond scum infesting us in the guiise of the International Longshoreman's Worker's Union, who should all be tried for conspiracy and if found guilty, imprisoned for a few years (like 10) are throwing a snit and have filed a recall petition against the Cowlitz County Sheriff, Mark Nelson, who has arrested many of the slimeballs who have destrroyed private property, trespassed, vandalized and assaulted workers at the EGT grain plant in Longview.
ILWU launches recall effort against sheriff as national president turns himself in
ILWU launches recall effort against sheriff as national president turns himself in
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buy this photo John Markon / The Daily News ILWU President Robert McEllrath stands under a "Support Your Local Sheriff" sign while waiting to be processed at the Cowlitz County Hall of Justice on Monday.
  • Robert McEllrath
  • Robert McEllrath
  • Robert McEllrath

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Union longshoremen on Monday filed a petition to recall Cowlitz County Sheriff Mark Nelson, ratcheting up their campaign against local law enforcement following recent protests against the EGT grain terminal at the Port of Longview.

The petition from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union alleges that Nelson's officers have been overly aggressive against union members in policing protests at the terminal over the past month.

The ILWU petition was filed with the County Elections office just hours after the union's San Francisco-based national president turned himself in for arrest at the sheriff's office for allegedly blocking a grain train bound for EGT Sept. 7.

At least 135 ILWU protesters and supporters have been arrested so far, including two who were pepper-sprayed repeatedly by Burlington Northern Santa Fe police last Wednesday during a protest on port rail tracks.

Under Nelson's direction, law enforcement officers flashed lights in union members' homes at night, followed them around to arrest them publicly and needlessly racked up about $30,000 in overtime costs to police the protests, union officials contend.

"Cowlitz County has become a battle zone, and Mark Nelson has some of the blame. Citizens depended on law enforcement to decelerate the situation, which Mark Nelson has failed to do. In fact, his officers have contributed to the turmoil and accelerating the atmosphere of violence in what would have been a peaceful protest," ILWU's Longview-based Local 21 President Dan Coffman and local treasurer Byron Jacobs argue in the recall complaint.

Monday's recall petition follows the union's filing last week of a civil rights lawsuit against Nelson and Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha, alleging excessive use of police force against protesters.

Nelson told The Daily News on Monday that voters know where he stands because of his long tenure in the community with the sheriff's office.

"I think most people know me to be a man of faith, fair-minded and even-tempered. I'm not offended by this process at all, or the people who brought it forth. With that, I look forward to addressing each and every one of the allegations, as well as serving as Cowlitz County's sheriff as long as people want me in office," Nelson said.

The recall petition must pass two legal hurdles before it can appear on the ballot.

A superior court judge must first rule whether the charges fit the legal definition of "malfeasance" or "misfeasance" or the violation of Nelson's oath of office. Otherwise, the recall would be invalid.

Second, the union would need to collect thousands of voter signatures to get the recall on the ballot. The exact number required was not available Monday.

The filing of the recall petition came on the same day that Robert McEllrath, president of the San Francisco-based ILWU, turned himself in to Cowlitz sheriff's deputies for his alleged involvement blocking grain train headed to EGT on Sept. 7.


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