Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CRC proponents better worry: Elway poll shows growing support for Eyman's tolling initiative

Looks like trouble in River City for the CRC proponents....
The Seattle Times

Elway poll shows growing support for Eyman's tolling initiative

Posted by Andrew Garber
A new Stuart Elway poll shows Tim Eyman's Initiative 1125 gaining ground, with 56 percent of voters surveyed saying they support the measure.

Eyman's initiative would require the state Legislature to approve tolls instead of the state Transportation Commission, which is appointed by the governor. It also would require any toll approved by lawmakers to be at a flat rate, and prohibit variable rates that increase during peak hour traffic. And it mandates that tolls only go toward work on the road being tolled, and that they expire when the work is paid for.

State officials argue the measure is too restrictive and would jeopardize funding needed to help pay for projects across the state, including the new Highway 520 floating bridge.

"Initiatives typically lose ground over the course of a campaign. Not so with Initiative 1125," Elway wrote on Tuesday. "The measure, which would add restrictions to road and bridge tolls, gained support over the past month. Some 56 percent of the 408 voters interviewed for The Elway Poll last week were inclined to vote for the measure, up from to 49 percent a month ago. The proportion who said they were "definitely" voting yes increased from 17 percent to 27 percent. Opposition declined from 29 percent to 25 percent."

Elways said I-1125 was leading in every part of the state except Seattle, where only 39 percent support it. Seattle also had the largest proportion of undecided voters: 26 percent.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent.

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