Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Troubling signs of the Nazi mentality springing up amongst the democrats.

Most who have a basic awareness of 20th century history have some vague understanding of the Nazi's use of the Jews as a tool to assign "blame" for the post-World War One Germany economy, among other things.

Using a relatively small in numbers and stereo-typically well-off demographic of people, the Germans used that blame, and that focus as a way to whip up the more bigoted, lower socio-economic masses and unite those masses in support of the Nazi Party/Hitler et al and their policies.

While we know the results of that effort, not many Americans are aware of the Nuremberg Laws, laws that when implemented, aided in the suspension of civil rights, subjecting Jews to confiscation of their property and their subsequent slaughter in concentration camps.
So, what does this have to do with democrats?

Easy.  For the fringe left nutters, the Tea Party is the modern day equivalent of the Jews of the 30's in Germany.

For racist bigots like Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a legendary nutjob form Compton, who, like Himmler wanted to send the Jews to hell, wants to send the Tea Party and its members to hell, their effort to ramp up the rhetoric, particularly and rather hypocritically in the wake of the Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shooting and the subsiquent civility pleas, has the same overtones... and to a greater or lesser degree, the same goals.

It's not just Waters, of course.  Joltin' Joe Biden, the legendary democrat hypocrite who first, rightfully, tried to warn us that Obama wasn't ready to be president, only to abandon that principled stand so Obama could avoid the embarrassment of Biden nipping at his heals, telling people that Obama wasn't the guy.

He refers to Tea Party types as "terrorists."  That's OK, I suppose: I refer to Biden as a drunk.

And then this racist bigot,
REP. FREDERICA WILSON, D-FLA.: Let's all remember who the real enemy is. And the real enemy is the Tea Party!
WILSON: There is no compromising with them. They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president.
So now, those wise enough to oppose the fringe-left neo-communism advocated by the likes of Biden, Waters and Wilson are now to be classified as "enemies."

Well, I got your enemy hanging.

It's also bizarre to discover as a brief aside, that when the GOP elects a president, it is NOT, apparently, the goal of the democrats to make that person a "one-term president."


But the ramping up of the rhetoric is troubling.  I get that the fringers are desperate.  I get that nothing is working for them, their Golden Boy president is an abysmal failure and their chances in 2012 look suicidal.  I get all of that.

But that does not entitle them to emulate the Goebbels of the world in an effort to Nazi-fy our elections.

Because one could only imagine what the results would be were the GOP to engage in the same.

Additionally, Waters and Wilson happen to be black.  They are charter members of that organization that were the whites in Congress to engage in would have seen them hounded out of town: The Congressional Black Caucus, a group no white can join.  By definition, membership in a race based group that excludes based on color is both racist... and bigoted.

And, BTW: I condemn this kind of thing from ANY source.  It's the kind of thing that ultimately results in blood getting spilled, and the United States is SUPPOSED to be above that sort of thing.

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