Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More idiocy from the democratian: Do Your Homework.

Two of the top issues on the rags moronic agenda are screwing us with a ballpark they won't pay a dime for and shafting us with yet another tax increase for yet another agency that doesn't need it, C-Trans.

The reply?

Simple: No to both.

The ballpark is something the local stain on the science of journalism wants because they stand to make money off of it. They wants US to pay for it while THEY don't pay a dime. That kind of rank hypocrisy is reason enough to do everything possible to kill this deal... but when added to no vote on the project and the idea we're enriching the Yakima Millionaires baseball team?

The fact is that this rag has lied, exaggerated and ignored "inconvenient truths" when it comes to the massive, unconscionable waste of tens of millions for replacing a bridge that does not need to be replaced while stuffing loot rail down our throats without asking us.  And yet, they demand that WE do OUR "homework," homework THEY ignore with every reeking endorsement they spew out.

The slimeballs running CTrans don't care what we want: they won't listen. They gerrymandered the tax district to exclude tens of thousands of "no" votes that forced us all to pay a tax we did not want to pay and were not asked about. Their ability to waste money and support of the CRC kills the deal for me, forever... and a "no" vote on those infrequent occasions when we're ALLOWED to vote is the only thing clowns like you... and on the CRC can understand.

That the slime running this rag want it is reason enough to oppose it. And when it goes down to defeat, watch this paper spin like a top to explain it.

Vote NO on Prop 1.

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