Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More leftist hypocrisy: Dems slam McKenna car lease that Gregoire got too

There's been a minor dust up over McKenna's car lease.  Democrats, inculcated with the double-standard so wildly displayed by the fringe-left editorial page editor of the democratian, John Laird, went bat-poop crazy when they "discovered" by reading another Goebbelian-type fringe left nutter propagandist by the name of Joel Connelly that McKenna was getting use of a car for his campaign.

That such use, if declared as an in-kind up to the $1600 per cycle cap is perfectly legal is beside the point:

The point is that Queen Chrissy got the exact, same, deal.

Precisely.  To the last period at the end of the last sentence.

To the nutters infesting the media and the democrats, that matters not.  THAT, you see, is somehow, well, "different."

Because, as we all know, it's ALWAYS "different" when one of their own does the precise same thing they accuse the GOP or its candidates of doing.
Dems slam McKenna car lease that Gregoire got too
Posted by Jim Brunner
The state Democratic Party is trying hard to make hay this morning out of a media report that Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna was getting "free" use of a leased car for his campaign.
Party Chairman Dwight Pelz seized on a report by columnist Joel Connelly about the Honda Pilot. The headline on the story said McKenna was getting "free" use of the car.
Actually, the $475-a-month lease from Honda Auto Center of Bellevue was reported as an in-kind contribution to the McKenna for Governor campaign. That's a legal campaign donation, subject to the $1,600 per-election limit. Once the cap is reached, the campaign will have to start paying directly for the car.
Connelly suggested the use of the car was somehow troubling because McKenna, as attorney general, oversees consumer complaints against auto dealers. (Though he noted the Honda dealer had no recent complaints against it). Democrats plan a news conference this afternoon to highlight what they call a "clear conflict of interest."
Left unmentioned in the Connelly piece and the Democratic attacks was that Democrat Chris Gregoire did the same thing when she was attorney general running for governor in 2004. (A GOP spokesman made that point to local political news site this morning.)

Now, the dems should have known better.  Joel Connelly is the same kind of fringer who would have been put in charge of writing opinion pieces for the Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party newspaper during the run-up to their take-over of Germany before the war.

The dems, who only see and hear what they want to see and hear (Which provides a great explanation as to why they're dems in the first place), were hung out to dry by the PI's major reason for bankruptcy.  So, instead of utilizing common sense, they just made a big political deal out of it based entirely on Connelly's say so.

Big mistake.

And now, it's blowing up in their collective face.

I'm not wild about McKenna.  I probably will not vote for either of these candidates running; I know Inslee isn't worth it.

But this kind of playground BS is part and parcel of the democrat shtick.

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