Monday, August 22, 2011

Laird climbs another rung on the hypocrisy ladder: The biggest fringe left complainer complains about anyone to the right of Lenin "complaining."

Years go by and this scumbag has yet to take his fellow fringe-left slimeballs to task for destroying our economy, wrecking our foreign policy, killing and wounding American troops and allowing others, namely Iran, to do the same and get away with it. (Although in the interest of fairness (an unheard of element in Laird's bizarro world) I will also blame Bush for the same thing: allowing Iran to kill us with impunity) and having a party and president that's biggest mark on this country has been guiding our economy into a downgrade.

I don't mind loyalty.  I was loyal to the GOP for years... decades... until I discovered that blind allegiance to anything results in stupidity.  John Laird's blind allegiance to his fringe-left whack job ideology in the form of this column being just his latest case in point.

Being a total moron, Laird doesn't understand that the issue isn't Obama going on vacation; the entire country would benefit if he went on PERMANENT vacation.
It's that this simple idiot in chief is going on vacation NOW, while people are going jobless and the market is in a freefall.

Anyone who didn't put his fringe-left affiliation ahead of his country, as Laird so obviously does, would question the timing of this scumball heading to a multi-millionaire enclave for yet another vacation instead of staying in the White House to address the problems... the pain... the generations of debt he's caused the people of this nation.

He claims he's got a "plan," but is such a careless idiot that he won't tell us what it is until he gets back from his vacation.

Political cowards like Laird know that.  Cowards like Laird know the damage his fellow travelers have caused us all.  But that is meaningless to a rank hypocrite like Laird... the biggest complaining crackpot this region has ever known.

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