Thursday, August 11, 2011

Slimeball Timmy "The Liar" Leavitt for Congress?

Obviously, The Liar Leavitt is planning on moving to Washington's new 10th District to run for Congress where, from his perspective, he'd have the advantage of running somewhere that was ignorant of his lies, his manipulations, his tin ear to the constituency.

As a fringe-left nutter who lied to get elected, The Liar would be road kill to any serious candidate.  His campaign-manipulative videos where he lied... over and over about his non-existent opposition to tolls would crucify him in ANY other election, including any moronic effort to be re-elected to his current position.

There is no lie he will not tell.  There is no effort to silence the people he will not engage in.  There is no effort to manipulate the outcome like his name was Himmler that he would not attempt.

By all means, Tim.  Up your dosage and announce for Congress.  I would make it my mission to politically destroy you.

Read about it here.


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