Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our political leaders have no idea what "leadership" is.

LTG Honore' suggested that the members of Congress all go to boot camp.

I'd suggest that instead, they all go to at least a division level NCO academy.

What's happening here is that the people running our country seem to have no idea what leadership is... or what it means.

"Sacrifice" is demanded of us, but we have no example to follow. The rank and file American looks at the opulence our leaders live in... the unbelievably high rates of pay and benefits of public employees at all levels... their sense of entitlement... the weekly parties, the golf, the multi-million dollar vacations.... and they ask...

When do YOU "sacrifice?"

Leadership involves sacrifice. True leaders will risk everything at a personal level for the welfare of their troops. In this instance, if those we had elected were leaders, they ALL would have taken voluntary pay cuts, for example.

Leaders make sure the needs of their troops... or in this case, the needs of the people, are met long before the needs of themselves.

In the military environment, that's supposed to mean that you make sure your troops are supplied, fed, quartered, weapons maintained, vehicles topped off and maintained... and that their medical/recreational needs (If reasonable) are taken care of BEFORE those things are taken care of for you.

Our government leaders don't even try.

They don't lead because for the most part, they either don't know how... or they know, but don't care, because they don't have to.

Our economy is a complete train wreck and those in charge, at every level, from Obama on down to the local fire district don't seem to notice... or care.

Send them to a 3 week Division NCO academy. Teach them what leadership is... what it means... how it can inspire... how it can form the foundation for greatness.

Because we don't have any of that now.

1 comment:

  1. One of the first things I learned as an NCO, even before attending the NCO Academy at Ft. Bragg, was you never order your men to do something you aren't willing to do yourself.

    A leader is always willing to make sacrifices either before or along side of those they lead.


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