Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The danger of a Jim Moeller.

Few elected officials can lay claim to being as far out of touch with the political mainstream as Jim Moeller.

Did you know he was gay?  He wears it like a Scarlett Letter.  He revels in it's victimhood.  But who he's having sex with is both none of my business... and none of my concern.

Unfortunately, like most of the people who seem incapable of viewing their value thru any filter but that of their sexual preference, Moeller is also unable to grasp that, well, frankly, no one cares.  So, they rarely miss any opportunity to remind us of their sexual preference, since, after all, it's not who they are they makes them into what they are, but who they're having sex with.

Got it.

Unfortunately, the leftist inculcated victimhood of a militant homosexual gets left behind the fog of arrogance.  In the distant past, I exchanged emails with Moeller on that very subject, where he solemnly assured me that "arrogance is a major requirement of those in politics," and observation that, if true, certainly shows him maxing out on that particular issue.

To date, Moeller is known for his sexual preference, his steadfast socialist tenets, his militant support of taxing us blind, his blinders to the rest of the state and nation, and his idiotic, slaughtered-at-the-polls "this-is-candy,this-isn't" tax... earning him the moniker "The Candy Man."

But what makes him most dangerous is that he's elected to government.  More specifically, OUR government... that of this state.  And here's why:
Jim Moeller · Top Commenter · Friends with Kathy McDonald
Once more The Columbian editorial board attacks the state worker. The people of Washington don't turn their backs on their workers. This time, The Columbian feels that after decades of service, the state worker, the teacher, the fireman, the janitor should get LESS than what they earned for their retirement. Why? Because The Columbian believes the state worker gets too much in retirement benefits compared to the private sector worker. All state defined benefit retirement programs are like an insurance program - conservatively invested for the long term. ALL current retirement accounts are fully actualized meaning they can pay for their anticipated benefits as members retire except one - PERS and TERS 1 which closed to new members in 1978. We recently took action in the state legislature to stabilize the outlook for PERS and TERS 1 and helped put it in the black. The time for looking to the worker to give more in this economy is over. New taxes are off the table but it is time for the legislature to look at the budget expenditure side of tax incentives/loopholes like the one for newspapers. Maybe it's time for The Columbian to pay their fair share instead of looking to the worker to sacrifice further?
Unfortunately, I'm limited to typing another 10 million words or so, or I would use them all up to describe how moronic, how idiotic, how asinine this kind of garbage is.  The danger here is that someone elected to government could spew this kind of crap with a reasonably straight face because they're politically retarded enough to believe it.

Well, here's a memo to Moeller and his fellow fringe-left nutter ilk:

The people you're whining about work for us.

And really, that's all you need to know.

See, Jim, no one FORCES these people to work for the public sector... that's their choice.  Your heroic president is constantly babbling about "shared sacrifice."  Now, if you'll be so kind as to explain to us how YOUR rant involves THEIR "sacrifice?"  Why is it that in your world, the only ones required to sacrifice are those of us footing the bill?

Before Moeller posted his nonsense, I posted this:


Clark County Politics Reduce government employees at all levels 25%. Reduce the pay of those remaining 25%. End union contract labor agreements. End prevailing wage. Get rid of programs relating to "minorities." End funding illegal aliens anywhere in our state... cut support to universities commensurate with their extortive tuition increases... make it illegal for illegal aliens to attend our schools and FINE the schools at all levels who allow them to do so. End step increases. End pay raises.

Reduce agency budgets $1 for each dollar they wrongly appropriate, misspend or lose. That would be about $4 billion right there.

So far, we've just been playing with the IDEA that our economy is crippled. Dems running the government don't know, and the unions don't care that we're bleeding out here: they want what they want, and screw the rest of us.
Like · Reply · Unsubscribe · 9 hours ago

The "worker" hasn't BEGUN to "sacrifice."

In this country, we have millions who would take the places of any one of these clowns for LESS money... because it's a job... ANY job.

Moeller, of course, doesn't give a damn about those not welded to a union generally and a public employee specifically,.

And that's what makes him dangerous.

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