Monday, August 29, 2011

McKenna's cowardice on the Cowlitz suit: politically driven... fear?

I'm not wild about RINO Rob McKenna.  I suppose I may vote for the guy, who killed the deal for me given his response to Gov. Scott Walker's union dealings, wherein he referred to Walkers actions as "terrorizing" those same thugs... not the attitude I want in a governor... but right now I'm leaning 50/50 for staying home.

Here locally, RINO Rob's non-response to the Clark County request for intervention by his office appears to be political cowardice.

Not because suing to keep the Cowlitz/Mohegan/Paskenta organized crime mob out of here is wrong; on the contrary, it's dead on.

But because RINO Rob has this forlorn hope that somehow, selling out to the tribes will keep them from pouring "heap big wampum" into Inslee's checkbook to get HIM elected instead, he's dithering.

Admittedly, Gregoire set the bar fairly low... as in, below sea level, when she rejected a tribal proposal to pay the State of Washington as much as $140 million per year in exchange for... well... nothing... while allowing the tribes to screw us on the gas tax.

Gee.  I wonder if the state could use $140 million a year about now?

Anywho, RINO Rob is afraid of the tribes, apparently.  They smell fear, ya know... political fear.

And RINO Rob's vacillating on the lawsuit has the stench of terror.

RINO Rob's apologist, Janelle Guthrie, told us this:
“The Office of the Attorney General has been asked to consider intervening in this case. We are considering our options and will be discussing these options with the Governor and our clients (relevant state agencies) to determine the most appropriate course of action.”
On the surface, at least, that doesn't seem terribly unreasonable.  But when you dig a little deeper, skunks smell like roses in comparison.

As almost any sentient being knows, RINO Rob joined the Obamacare lawsuit.  That blivet was and is unconstitutional in about every respect.

The question: did RINO Rob do this:
“The Office of the Attorney General has been asked to consider intervening in this case. We are considering our options and will be discussing these options with the Governor and our clients (relevant state agencies) to determine the most appropriate course of action.”
BEFORE he joined the suit?


Why didn't he?  So, he turns that crap on and off like a switch.  The result?

RINO Rob is prevaricating.  He's tap dancing.  He's hanging Clark County out to dry because he rather moronically (RINO Rob is, after all, a smart guy) thinks that he can either make a deal with the tribes or he can somehow lessen their impact on the elections if he throws Clark County under his campaign bus.

And that's the irony in all of this: Inslee gets the tribal money.  The democrats get the tribal money.  If McKenna were a tribal member, the democrats would STILL get all their money... so he's tap dancing for nothing.

And we're getting hurt because of it.

Thanks for nothing, RINO Rob.

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