Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday morning racism:

Yes, it's real.  I caught an ad for it last night on TV.

But it got me to thinking: how would "" be received?

How would a "White Congressional Caucus" make out?

How would a "Muscles: for men only" gym chain fare, as opposed to the discriminatory women-only "Curves?"

Well, fortunately, most Curves have gone out of business.  But while they were in operation, women seemed strangely silent about THAT little tidbit of discrimination... like because when discrimination is done in YOUR favor, it's perfectly OK.  Right, Ladies?

It's kind of like the overt discrimination against males being the only ones required to register for the draft.

No mass demonstrations demanding equality THERE, eh?

And that brings us to the race-based ""

I wondered: is there a ""

No, there isn't, per se'.  But use of that url redirects you to an age-based discriminator,, requiring you to be between the ages of 18 to 39 to sign up.

Odd, isn't it?  Apparently you can't be a black gen x'er. 

So, there's also an ", and perhaps a host of others.

It's nice to know that someone has found a way to commercialize bigotry and racism.  Well done.

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