Sunday, August 28, 2011

More democrat hypocrisy: Gregoire TALKS about "diversity..." but doesn't practice it.

Given Laird's multiple rants against the right for slights real... and (mostly) imagined, it's notsurprising he's let Queen Chrissy slide for her white-bread cabinet/administrative offices.

This article sums it up far better than I ever could:

Gregoire touts diversity but fails to model it
Gregoire touts diversity but fails to model it 
OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Gov. Chris Gregoire has spent part of this summer reshuffling her leadership team, adding two new people to her inner circle, elevating another to chief of staff and naming a new cabinet secretary.

All of them are white.

Gregoire's staffing selections have prolonged a trend that runs contrary to her vow to make diversity one of the chief initiatives of her administration. Minorities now account for more than one-quarter of Washington state residents, but Gregoire's entire senior staff is white and her cabinet of 26 has only two people of another race.

It's a gap that extends to rank-and-file workers. Just 18 percent of state employees as a whole are minorities, according to an AP analysis of state personnel records, and there's even less diversity among managers — only 16 percent of them are non-white.

The numbers are not getting any better: The percentage of minority hires has fallen from 18 percent in 2007 to just under 16 percent this past year.

Gregoire spoksman Scott Whiteaker said the governor understands the importance of diversity and has placed an emphasis on minority recruitment and retention.

"It's a challenge we don't shy away from and strive to continue to improve," Whiteaker said.

Supporters of diversity in state government believe an expanded minority presence would help officials better understand and work with the people they serve. Some pointed to a lack of diversity in social services that provide aid to a large segment of minority residents.

Gregoire herself has long touted the benefits of diversity.

"Because diversity is as important in the workplace as it is in the community, the Governor has selected a diverse staff within her office," Gregoire's website says.

Mighty white of her, eh?

I'm sure Laird will come after her as if she was opposed to loot rail or the CRC.


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