Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mielke stands up for the people: the only Republican on the commission votes against the Yakima Millionaires rip off.

Thanks to Tom Mielke for making the statement that had to be made: you clowns want a baseball stadium?  Then you clowns pay for it.  Pay for ALL of it.

Pay for the dirt you're going to build it on; pay for the structure, pay for the maintenance, pay for the infrastructure... pay for it all, and leave the taxpayers alone.  And if you have "alternate plans," then feel free to get off your greedy asses and use them.

Unfortunately, the two democrats on the commission, Steve "The Liar" Stuart and Marc "Turncoat" Boldt, voted to continue on with this rip off.

The idea that in this economy, the people of this county should be taxed without asking them to enrich a bunch of millionaires from Yakima is simply beyond any construct of common sense.

There is no excuse.  There is no explanation.  There is no reason.  These dillwads threaten to take their show down the road?

Then swell.  Don't let the door hit you in your collective asses on the way out.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Any elected official, on any issue, that makes decisions without thought nor consideration is unworthy to hold office. Is this the way that you would have your elected representatives behave? Really?

    Greg Owens

  2. Well, Greg, you see, it's kind of like this:

    If I pick up a pebble, and subsequently drop it, I don't have to give either "thought" nor "consideration" to the fact that it will drop and hit whatever surface I'm standing on.

    In this instance, what you want to have happen is you want the taxpayers of this county, without being asked, to pay for a facility we don't need, in a location that is moronic, on land the Yakima Millionaires don't own while paying 30 cents on the dollar and keeping all the profit.

    And oh yeah, this is not a deal we give to anyone else, and these people don't give a damn that others will be hurt as a result.

    When the issue fails common sense as a filter, the outcome should be be obvious... and immediate.

    There can be no deal with a tax unless you people ask us via a vote.

    Otherwise, feel free to pay for it yourselves.

    Clearly, that's all Mielke needs to know, since no other offer on the table doesn't include the fiscal rape of 400,000 taxpayers who will have no say, no involvement and no use of your dream... or hobby... or whatever it is.

    This deal sucked from the beginning. Nothing you nor any other ballpark shill has presented has made it suck any less.

    A CREDC study with made up numbers to support a pre-ordained outcome won't change a thing. Using nonsensical lies to ram this thing down our throats (A 400% ROI? I guess to own a class A baseball team, you have to be a delusional nutcase) does nothing to further the cause.

    That Steve "The Liar" Stuart and other ex-jocks are shilling for this thing doesn't impress me.

    You want it? You pay for it. Otherwise, activate one of those "alternatives" that clown keeps babbling about and get the hell out of Clark County.

    So, in this instance, there's no need for additional "thought" or "consideration" and Tom Mielke is the only one of the three who's doing the work of the people instead of the special interests and the downtown mafia that own the other 2.

    Since you asked.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Nope. Sorry. Not this time. If the decision isn't on my side, so be it. But let it be an informed decision that has all the facts and all the options available to analyze so that the best possible outcome is reached. There is NO REASON whatsoever to make decisions off the cuff as an elected official. I'm surprised at you, Kelly. This type of decision making you wouldn't normally support. It just happens to be your way. What if it wasn't?

    Greg Owens

  4. Actually, Greg, if Tom saw this your way, you wouldn't be questioning his thought process any more then you're questioning Stuart's... and he'd sell his own mother to get this cesspool built... so give that a rest.

    This isn't an issue of process, Greg. It's an issue of principle. And increasing the information load should never impact principle.

    You see, there is NEVER any justification to raise or implement a tax in the midst of an economy like this or even approaching this.

    Tom, of course, ran on a platform of voting "no" on any tax increases or new taxes, thus his stand is "principled."

    You know, Greg... "principles?" Those things you've sold out to get what YOU want at everyone else's expense?

    You can't argue the facts, so you come up with some bogus, nonsensical crap about how HIS thought-process doesn't meet with YOUR approval... a standard you haven't applied to ANYONE else convinced that this rip off is a good thing... like The Liar Leavitt, for example.

    When a position is unalterably wrong, such as yours... when a position is unethical, immoral and an affront to democracy, such as yours and the rest of you shilling for this massive waste of money in the midst of this, or any other economy where, or example, we're shutting down fire houses...

    There really is no information, or arm twisting or threats that can change this to anything but what it is; a rip off of an entire county that YOU support to get US to pay for what YOU want, and what YOU won't pay for yourself.

    That's not "off the cuff," Greg, even though you want it to be. It's the difference between right and wrong... good and evil, so to speak.

    There's only one reason why you want him to meet with all thee people and read these scams of bogus reports and kiss the owner's asses, Greg. And that reason has nothing to do with what's best for the people of this county, which is kicking the Yakima Millionaire's collective ass down the road.

    And that's the difference between us, Greg... the difference between me and Tom and you and those shilling for the ballpark: Tom and I care much more about the people of Clark County and what THEY want in all of this.

    You and them only give a damn about baseball and making those clowns richer.

    And seeing through that requires no additional "thought" OR "consideration." You want what you want at our expense.

    And if YOU want this? Then YOU pay for it. Oddly, that option is no where to be found, and when the ONLY option (Where's you get this "all the options available" crap) is to screw the people of this county with a tax they have no say in... why on earth do you think that should require additional anything before it's rejected out of hand?

    And that will never be acceptable to me. And likely it will never be acceptable to Commissioner Mielke.

    That it appears to be acceptable to the other two idiots on the commission who are busy selling us out; in any way, manner, shape or form requiring those of us who'll never set foot in the facility you want to pay a disproportionately high amount of money to enrich these millionaires from across the state doesn't require any deep thinking to be obviously wrong on it's face.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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