Tuesday, July 26, 2011

As the wheels come off for Obama: the impacts and the reasons. #1? Joe Biden and Clinton were right.

For those with selective memories, Benito Obama was characterized thusly by Joe Biden and Bill Clinton during the campaign:

As I may have mentioned... repeatedly... over and over again... the one thing that a president MUST have to sway the people... the one element that is required... and that Obama no longer has (Even to much of his base) is believability.

And the president doesn't have any left.

Like our local versions, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Steve "The Liar" Stuart,  lies and misleading statements to get elected kill your credibility.

Obama lied repeatedly to get elected.  And once elected, he lied repeatedly to get programs passed that have buried us under a mountain of debt that will take generations to repay... if it's repayable at all.

Within the past few weeks, he's lied about such mundane matters as Social Security checks and the like.

Combined with his weekly White House parties, multi-million dollar vacations and golf, what we seem to have acquired in a president is nothing so much as a re-incarnated Marie Antoinette.

So, when he grabs his bully pulpit and preaches to us about the fake impacts of  "defaulting," his shattered credibility keeps him from making any difference.

In the various military Leadership Academies I attended, as well as during my officer's training, we were taught that the basic underpinning of the art of leadership includes the requirement that, as a leader, you must never, ever, promise what you can't deliver.

That impacts at every level, both in the military... and in government.

Obama never served his country in the military.  He, apparently, never attended any school that taught the tenets of leadership, or if he did, he's long forgotten or ignored what he learned.

The result?  Last night's speech accomplished nothing. 

I didn't listen to Obama's speech.  I know, at a cellular level, that every time this guy talks, he's lying... so why bother, particularly when I can get the highlights in a few minutes and avoid wasting my time?

It was, as many believed it would be, a campaign speech.  Obama's trouble is that his verbiage rings hollow.

He's lied so much on so many things, he's hung so many people out and tossed so many under the passing buses that he can no longer move the population to his position merely because he says so.

He's lost the most important ability a president must have.

And he's got no one to blame but himself.

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