Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Memo to Lightning Lou: You want to hold someone "accountable" for who they know? How about John Kerry? His bud is into child porn.

You remember that gutless pig's attack against me if you've been a regular reader of this blog.  It was about a year or so ago that the local rag's scumbag-in-chief came after me because, well, he doesn't like the way I write.

I was not impressed then, nor am I now.  The premise for his cowardice was that a state representative candidate who I supported with time, money and effort because they were the best one for the job should be "held accountable" like this slimeball believed Benito Obama was "held accountable" for knowing and being friends with a complete dick by the name of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Of course, typically comparing me to Wright is worth a punch in the mouth.  The point of the exercise was to attack ME, because I despise everything Brancaccio is or stands for.  And he used this candidate to try and get to me.

I, of course, am guilty.  I'm guilty of writing a letter, a letter my BOSS APPROVED OF, SIXTEEN YEARS AGO.  I'm guilty of using a fake name in letters to the editor so I could protect the legislator I worked for.  I'm guilty of doing what I was told while a senate staffer.

But most of all, I'm guilty for beating the living crap out of Brancaccio's positions that have, and are, doing so very much to harm our community.  Because you can bet your ass that if I had been this rabid in SUPPORT of that scumbucket as I am in opposition, he'd likely have written me into his will.

And that brings us to this application of what is, no doubt, Brancaccio's situational ethics.

So, here's your chance, Lou.  Let's see you tear into John Kerry for the same reasons you tore into me.

July 26, 2011

Kerry spokesman stripped of Silver Star
John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action. During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is now in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star. The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction. A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself." John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

As one might imagine, the media has ignored this story. Even the Navy Times declined to post its own article online.

Update: Here is the Sanders sentencing memorandum. Horrific.

Fat chance any of this will ever see the light of day in our local carbuncle on Clark County.

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