Friday, April 08, 2011

The worm has turned in Wisconsin: Leftist heads explode all over the country.

Proving herself to be an unelectable cretin, JoAnne Kloppenburg, fringe leftist union hack candidate for the likely decisive vote in Wisconsin's supreme court, rather foolishly  declared victory... with a 200 vote margin out of around 1.5 million in a state wide race... long before absentees and the like were fully vested and counted.

Well, guess what.  Unless democrat/union printing presses can make up for the short fall.... she lost.

And now... now the shoe is on the other foot... as pieces of leftist skulls are flying and landing all over the country as a result.

Now, the leftist cries of "fraud" are pinging around the internet and the media; far different from the leftist cries heard when, for example, Gregoire found herself in the opposite position a few years back.

Gee.  That's just too bad.  It's too bad the union millions wasted in Wisconsin to get this woman elected because they believed her political persuasion would likely rule her legal perspective:
A stunning discovery of votes in Wisconsin could give the state's hotly contested Supreme Court race to the conservative incumbent in an election largely seen as a referendum on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's explosive union rights law.
Opponents of the law that takes away nearly all public employee collective bargaining rights had hoped a Kloppenburg victory would set the stage for the high court to strike it down
...went up in smoke.

To the leftist, the politics of it certainly trumps the legality of it.

They don't care one iota if it's legal.  They just want it out, and if a Kloppenburg makes up the same kind of bogus, nonsensical political reason if she's elected to the Supreme Court, well, that's fine.

It isn't fine.  And as referendums go, this one sucked for the left.

Wis. court challenger raising recount dollars

The candidate on the losing end of Wisconsin's hotly contested state Supreme Court race has started raising money for a recount.
WAUKESHA, Wis. — The candidate on the losing end of Wisconsin's hotly contested state Supreme Court race has started raising money for a recount.
JoAnne Kloppenburg's campaign manager, Melissa Mulliken, said Friday that fundraising efforts for a recount have begun, but she stopped short of saying the candidate would request one. Mulliken refused to back down from Kloppenburg's declaration earlier this week that she won the race.
Tuesday's election between Kloppenburg and incumbent Justice David Prosser was too close to call. Unofficial returns showed Kloppenburg with a 204-vote edge. But in a stunning twist, the Waukesha County clerk announced Thursday she had not recorded 14,000 votes in the county. The new totals gave Prosser a 7,500-vote lead. Election officials are still canvassing results statewide.
Prosser's campaign manager didn't immediately return a message Friday.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
A stunning discovery of votes in Wisconsin could give the state's hotly contested Supreme Court race to the conservative incumbent in an election largely seen as a referendum on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's explosive union rights law.

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