Friday, April 08, 2011

Ridgefield Barbie: your constituency is calling. Where are you on the Ryan Plan?

That you were able to run an Obama-style campaign (He is one of your heroes, after all) and fool enough people to vote for you is cute and all that.

But as the issues begin to pile up; as overwhelming as they are to someone of your extremely limited experience, education and intellect; an increasingly concerned constituency wants to know: what are YOU going to do about them?

See, we don't hear from you.  We hear from the likes of Congressman Alan West, who I can only dream of being our congressman, as, perhaps, the most visible member of the class of 2010.

But we ain't hearing from you.

Why is that?

We need to know what YOU are going to do... on that horrific bridge/loot rail project; on your efforts to kill the criminal megacasino... and, perhaps, most importantly of all, your cowardice and hypocrisy on the budget.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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