Friday, April 08, 2011

Will the GOP House get stupid and cave on the budget?

Memo to Republicans in the House:

When you people ran (Save for Herrera, who never told us what she was going to do, or how she was going to do it) it was to cut spending.

Your promise?

To whack a hundred billion out of the current morass the democrats sank us into.

If you do not deliver, how does that make you any better than the clowns you replaced?

$100 billion was the promise.  And if it means shutting down government to get it, then that's what it means.

Or does "elections have consequences" only apply when democrats take control?

Do not cave.  Do not quit.  Do not allow these slimeballs to defeat you now.

Because if you cave now... what's going to happen when you try to implement the Ryan Plan?

How will caving now send the message that we won't cave on next year's budget?

We're watching.  November '12 ain't that far away.

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