Friday, April 08, 2011

Where Petraeus blew it on the koran burning.

I, for one, don't give a damn if every one of them is burned off the face of the earth.

Tearing up, burning, sinking in a toilet... a book no more provides justification for what these scum did then any of the justifications they think exist in that book for slaughtering those who don't happen to see it their way... men, women, children.... anywhere they happen to feel like it.

Rob Miller of Big Peace makes the case, where, once again, we come out looking like a bunch of clueless weaklings as opposed to being the world's superpower:

Why Do We Keep Bowing Down To Islam?

The following is a statement released by General David Petraeus and and NATO Ambassador Mark Sedwill:

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 3, 2011) – In view of the events of recent days, we feel it is important on behalf of ISAF [i.e., the International Security Assistance Force] and NATO members in Afghanistan to reiterate our condemnation of any disrespect to the Holy Qur’an and the Muslim faith. We condemn, in particular, the action of an individual in the United States who recently burned the Holy Qur’an.
We also offer condolences to the families of all those injured and killed in violence which occurred in the wake of the burning of the Holy Qur’an.
We further hope the Afghan people understand that the actions of a small number of individuals, who have been extremely disrespectful to the Holy Qur’an, are not representative of any of the countries of the international community who are in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people.
Notice the servile tone of this missive, written by the man who is our wartime commander of the most powerful military on the planet and the ambassador of the wealthiest, most powerful collection of nations in the world.
There’s no condemnation at all of the hideous barbarians who stormed a UN compound and slaughtered men and women in the name of Allah who were there on what they thought was a humanitarian mission on behalf of the very people who cheerfully murdered them.
No, no condemnation, because they were doing it on behalf of the Holy Qu’ran…which tells these people it’s a holy deed to to terrorize unbelievers. The mullahs who incited the mob at Mazar-e-Sharif used that very same Holy Qu’ran as the marching orders for murder in the name of Islam.
And make no mistake…this was about Islam. The Nepalese guards who were under orders not to use their weapons to defend themselves, the Norwegian female aid workers, the Swedish and Romanian administrators who were dragged away and decapitated, all were non-Muslims. In fact, Pavel Ershov, a Russian diplomat who was captured by the mob managed to save his own life by convincing them he was a Muslim.

In the end, we've been trying to do it the Petraeus way.

And what do we have to show for it?

If these people are dead-set on trying to destroy us, isn't it about time we give them real, genuine reasons to take a shot at it?

I am sick of being more concerned about muslim sensibilities then I am the lives we've wasted trying to help these people.

We are not them.  I would ask: if I observed a muslim destroying a bible, and I decapitated him and slaughtered women and aid workers as a result, would ANYONE talk about that the way Petraeus and the rest of the Administration is babbling about it?

Why wouldn't they?  Why is that any different?

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