Friday, April 08, 2011

O'Reilly blew it on Terry Jones and the koran burning: Diana West - Cultural Weakness: Attacking Jones and defending the koran.

Odd, isn't it?

When the fringe left (who would be among the first to be slaughtered under sharia law) complain and aim verbal arrows at Terry Jones, the pastor from Florida who barbecued a copy of the koran, it's almost laugh-out-loud funny.

Militant islam kills us. Militant islam slaughters their own. Militant islam blows up churches, slaughter Christians, manufacture heroin.

Militant islam burns bibles by the railroad car full, and the leftists keep their mouth's shut.

At the end of the day, the only scum responsible for those deaths last week are the scum who perpetrated the acts.

There is no moral equivalency here. These sewer dregs don't need an excuse to slaughter each other, let alone Christians.

Jones had precisely and exactly as much right to fry a koran as O'Reilly does to make the millions off his show. He had as much right to fry a koran as any of the many fringe-left nutters have to burn our flag.

O'Reilly is stuck on stupid on this issue. He's played directly into the hands of the fringe-left nutters who not only never want to be held accountable for what THEY do, but who also don't want to hold others accountable for their acts.

Here's the Memo, Bill.

You want to hold someone accountable for spilling blood?

Hold Harry Reid accountable for telling the world we lost the war in Iraq before the surge. Hold Dick Durban accountable for comparing the US Army to Nazis. Hold Barack Obama accountable for kissing the ass if everyone he can on his US apology tour. Hold the entire left accountable for sending our troops overseas, and then not fully and entirely supporting their mission.

Diana West at Big Peace lays it all out.

And O'Reilly?

You blew it. And so did GEN Petraeus.

Diana   West

Cultural Weakness: Attacking Jones and Defending the Koran


1 comment:

  1. O'Riley and Petraeus are NOT "fringe Lefties."

    I'm a Liberal and I think Jones can do whatever he wants without sanction from me, O'Riley, Petraeus, Karzai, or any gun-toting-bomb-throwing-religious-screaming extortionists.


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