Thursday, April 07, 2011

13 SEIU slimeballs arrested at the state capital.

Kind of speaks for itself.

One of the problems is that it seems union leadership never had an original thought, so they took a flyer at emulated the now rejected gestapo-type tactics of their brethren in Wisconsin and Ohio by crashing the House of Representatives and attempting to crash Gregoire's office this afternoon.

Members of Herrera-ally SEIU were popped for getting stupid.

Clearly, these people don't care where the money comes from or how... just that THEY get THEIR'S.

Well, they can think about it from a jail cell.

13 arrested at Wash. Capitol budget demonstrations

Updated 06:26 p.m., Thursday, April 7, 2011
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OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Thirteen people protesting proposed budget cuts were arrested at the state Capitol Thursday, including one man who reportedly assaulted two state troopers, police said.

A crowd of about 400 protesters converged on Gov. Chris Gregoire's office around 2:30 p.m. after several hours of loud demonstrations in and around the main legislative building. Most of the protesters were mental health and home care workers represented by the Service Employees International Union 1199 NW and SEIU 775 NW.

A scuffle broke out as police tried to keep people from entering Gregoire's office, said Washington State Patrol spokesman Robert Calkins. One man was arrested for attacking two troopers, who were not seriously injured, he said.

Calkins said that man will be booked on two counts of assault, while 12 others arrested for disorderly conduct will be cited and released.

Thursday marked the third day labor groups gathered in Olympia to protest spending cuts aimed at closing Washington's looming $5 billion deficit.

House lawmakers are expected to vote this week on a budget plan that would slash state spending by $4.4 billion for the 2011-2013 budget cycle. The Senate will follow next week with its own budget proposal.
Earlier in the afternoon, the protesters entered the House chamber, disrupting the floor session with chants such as "Shame on you!" until police escorted them out.
Their's shame, all right, but it's the leftist slime running these locals that set up these low-level hacks for the publicity.

Normal people can take heart about one thing, though:  democrats run every aspect of the Washington State Government.  So the people they're whining at?

The democrats.

Talk to the hand, because the face don't care.

No word as yet from Jamie Herrera on her allie's arrests.


  1. The Olympian reported 17.

    No matter, still slimeball thugs and goons.

    Also reported that one of the Wisconsin fleebaggers will be there tomorrow to support the goons.

    Didn't anybody tell them our state is completely a Democrat majority and that their little sly trick of busing in voters to vote out the Supreme Court justice there failed, with the discovery a computer error that gives him a 7,500 vote lead now?

    The more they show their asses the more the general public wakes up to their tantrums.

  2. yAll I can say is what an utter waste of time. If the SEIU really wanted to make life uncomfortable, why did they not go to every single legislator and talk to them about the cuts that were going to hit their members and the disability hours? Or the kids they were watching?

    Oh right, they probably all ready did that and got the same comment that all of our delegation of most of the state legislative districts in Clark and Cowlitz counties. They are saying to each and every single constituency that I have heard that this is going to be a very TOUGH budget cycle, that there are going to some winner (who take the least of the cuts) and some losers who are going to take the most disproportionate of the cuts (no not the illegals, Kelly and Lew) but probably mostly the most disabled and medically needy. (Yes, I agree some of the higher end Basic Health people should have been taken off...)

    So these idiots probably figured out their paid prize in the governor that was paid mostly with their union dues and tribes are going to be in for a RUDE awakening when they find out that a lot of their projects are not going to be funded and at the federal level right now, Medicaid, Medicare, Earmarks are on the chopping block.

    So the state of Washington and local governments are no longer going to be able to turn to the feds for CDBG local block grants, Port of Vancouver entitlements or many of the other mystery miniseries of special ICC wants...............

  3. BAPN:

    My guess is that they DID contact their legislators. Repeatedly. But if the money isn't there, it isn't there.

    Protests, yelling, acting like communist goon squads, throwing playground hissy fits... none of that changes anything.

    They want to rob business; non union workers, owners and shareholders without sacrificing a thing.

    They want the so-called "shared sacrifice" to be shared with everyone ELSE.

    The irony here is, that of course, democrats control every element of government down to the cellular level.

    The unions, like the rest of the people of this state, have no one to blame for this mess but the democrats.

  4. The next thing that they are going to do after the legislative season is over is to go pointing fingers at Tim Eyman, work to overturn Tim's initiatives or the initiative process so that he or someone else won't be able to go out easily and get the signatures he needs to pass legislation-by-signature anymore.

    The simple reality is the state democratic leadership in the two legislative branches of Olympia simply do not have the votes anymore to pass much of their past agenda related to THEIR budget priorities anymore.

    If they had the votes, you would be seeing all of this action all over state capitol campus. I do not remember in my ten or twenty years seeing these marches with the same fervor. It may have happened in other states, but they hardly ever happened here.

    And with the mood going around, there is not the votes or the will to raise the revenue through tax increases. If they found another loophole, someone would come up with a initiative to close it. I am surprised that Tim has not done an initiative against the corporate tax giveaways that keeps our local SEH and other big companies in Clark County.

    I believe in one major thing on this thread. I doubt many people who were at that protest have watched what went on in Olympia and understand that there is simply NOT enough money to go around. And there is no political will to stand up and raise taxes any further.

    They can scream, banter, get arrested and look like pitiful fools but the facts still remain, there is a 5 billion dollar and rising hole. And someone is going to get the shaft, the poor and disabled are the ones first.

    The next major drop if we have another one will be either transportation or education. Those are the next big ticket items IMHO. If we have another big drop in tax revenue, there are going to be further cuts and people have to stop daydreaming that K-12 and higher education can't be cut!


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