Monday, April 04, 2011

Democratian/democrat cover up continues: timer will go on until somebody does their job.

The despicable cover up by the democrats and their propaganda mill, the democratian, continues over the abrupt departure of former democrat representative Jim Jacks (D-49) over what appears to be issues related to alcohol and misconduct with staffers if my sources are correct.

Of course, there's no excuse for this blackout, and if Jacks had an "R" after his name, you know that both the democratian and the state democrats would be demanding answers down to the DNA level.

Republicans, typically, remain silent, although their silence makes no sense.

What motivates them to miss this opportunity to repeatedly blast the democrats for their obvious, blatant lack of transparency and the media's complicity in dem demands?

And why does the media remain silent?

Is it out of fear... fear that the dems will revoke the massive tax cuts they gave newspapers last year while the rest of business in this state had to endorse a 20% B&O tax increase?

That the dems granted such a tax cut in the midst of our budgetary problems is prima facie evidence that the dems own these   rags.  After all, did they give a tax cut to arch-enemy BIAW?

No.  They're just taking care of their freinds... and now the bill is due.

The local carbuncle on our society, the democratian, is delivering in spades.

And that timer will remain up as long as they continue.

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