Monday, April 04, 2011

Obama foreign policy: Bush light? Flops on military tribunals. Holder? "Exit, stage left."

Eric  Holder, to the shame of this nation is our Attorney General.  Ever since any of us have ever heard of him, he's been carrying the Empty Suit's water like Gunga Din on this issue.  Obviously, Twiddle Dumb (Obama) and Twiddle Dumber (Holder) have finally figured out what Bush 2 (You know, the one the fringe-left nutters called the stupid one?) knew all along:

That these tribunals are the way to go.

Doesn't it just give you a warm, fuzzy feeling about how this clown is running our country?

BLACKFIVE has the skinny:  (Watch the volume on the video... NSWF language)

KSM to be tried at Gitmo

Posted By Uncle Jimbo • [April 04, 2011] God it has got to suck to be a lefty these days, with O starting his own wars and now trying KSM at Gitmo. Heck I'm thinking about signing on to Obama's re-election team.
Attorney General Eric Holder today will announce that self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will be tried in a military commission, the CBS News Investigative Unit has learned. A source says the commission will be held at the Guantanamo Bay prison. Holder is expected to announce the decision in a news conference today at 2 p.m.
Trying Mohammed in a civilian court and closing the Guantanamo prison were once some of the Obama administration's top priorities, but political realities have hamstrung both goals.
Let me call you a Waaahmbulance Holder you pathetic loser. Here is a reminder of the complete uselessness of our Attorney General (language warning for all ITC videos).

Or a look at the entire failed Obama team approach to this. Holder is a sad, sorry little man who needs to exit stage left.


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