Monday, April 04, 2011

Will Obama's singular foreign policy achievement be to turn North Africa into the al Qaida homeland?

Obama's dumping another one of our dictators, this one in Yemen.

So... who takes his place?

Gee.  I really wonder.

In the overall scheme of things, about the only thing Yemen has to offer is it's strategic location.

Note the position at the very southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, strategic to the Red Sea (The long finger pointing upward at a 45 or so degree angle up to Suez on the left and the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, a "thumb" pointing out around 60 degrees on the right.)

This, of course, is just the latest.

We are in a position to see the truest essence of the domino theory in action.

Are we, as a nation, prepared for the fruits of Obama's foreign policy incompetence?

What's gasoline going to cost after the terrorists take over the countries in the region... as it seems more likely by the day they will?

Confusion and inexperience doesn't make the best of foreign policies.

And we're now beginning to reap the harvest of hiring someone who really doesn't seem to know what he's doing.

What's the significance to Europe of turning the Met into a terrorist lake?

Great job, Barack.  Well done.

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