Friday, March 18, 2011

Steve Stuart earned "The Liar" moniker today, along with his buddy Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

We all know the story of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

The Liar ran for mayor and made up a brand new, fake position, lying every time his mouth moved, over the issue of tolls.

He claimed he was opposed to tolls.

On this blog, I repeatedly claimed he was lying. I tried to warn people. I tried to tell them that he made up his fake opposition to tolls only to make up an issue out of whole cloth to separate himself from Royce Pollard, who he had been in lock step with FOR YEARS on every aspect of replacing the bridge and bringing loot rail over here.

Of course, during his campaign, one of the reasons I knew The Liar was lying was because Steve Stuart was a major advisor on The Liar's campaign. I knew that Stuart would dive into a vat of boiling hydrochloric acid before he'd ever support anyone even passingly opposed to tolls.

As it turned out (Surprise!) I was right. Leavitt was a lying little worm. Despicable does a disservice to the word.

And then, we get Steve Stuart.

Stuart lied twice in this article.

The first lie is this:

Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart, a member of the C-Tran board of directors, said he’s familiar with the new political action committee’s poll and is confident both measures already have majority support.
The Liar has stated in a variety of places that he's terrified of a countywide vote, because he knows the public will slaughter it. Stuart knows the same thing, otherwise he would be breaking records to find a way to get a binding vote on the ballot in the sure and certain knowledge that it would shut people like me up.

That he has made no such effort speaks for itself. If the public actually DID support this crap pile... why would there need to be a campaign organization for it?

That such an organization exists speaks for itself. And no poll, as gerrymandered as the C-Trans taxing district to come out with a pre-ordained series of conclusions can change that.

The second lie?

“It’s a bad time to be asking for more,” he said. “If we need to ask voters to save bus service this year, then so be it. But nobody has made that policy case to me about the other measure, about why we have to go out this year.”

Well Steve, how about this?

As a member of the C-Tran board, Stuart said, he worked to protect lower fares for disabled riders and fought a move to cut transit services to the disabled.

As for light rail, he said, “My focus is to provide you with a vote, and because of the work we did, there is going to be a vote next November.”


The economy sucks just as bad now as when you promised us all as a part of your campaign that we would get to vote THIS NOVEMBER. The fact that your vote will get clobbered and you want to give the "pro" side more time to gear up their campaign doesn't give you an excuse to lie to us, slimeball.

Oh, yeah.

I forgot. You only gave your word, and as we all know, YOUR word is WORTHLESS.

THAT'S why we get a vote this November.

But then, what the hell, you made The Liar everything he is... so why shouldn't you do the same thing he did? Lie to get elected, only to come up with excuses once people are dumb enough to vote you back in?

So, congrats. You join with Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and you've become Steve "The Liar" Stuart.

Enjoy your promotion. And don't think for one second that we will ever forget YOUR betrayal, either.

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