Thursday, March 17, 2011

The No-Fly Zone: I'm not particularly proud of my government today.

Too little, too late.

Guderian talked about the Schwerpunktprinzip.... the decisive point.

Decisive in time. Decisive in place. Decisive in troops. Decisive in supply/logistics. Decisive in terrain.

The point of decision.

Schwerpunkt (Wiki)

The Germans referred to a Schwerpunkt (focal point and also known as Schwerpunktprinzip or concentration principle) in the planning of operations; it was a center of gravity towards which was made the point of maximum effort, in an attempt to seek a decisive action. Ground, mechanized and tactical air forces were concentrated at this point of maximum effort whenever possible. By local success at the Schwerpunkt, a small force achieved a breakthrough and gained advantages by fighting in the enemy's rear. It is summarized by Guderian as “Klotzen nicht kleckern!” (literally means "strike concentrated, not dispersed).[41]

To achieve a breakout, armoured forces would attack the enemy's defensive line directly, supported by motorized infantry, artillery fire and aerial bombardment in order to create a breach in the enemy's line. Through this breach the tanks and motorised units could break through without the traditional encumbrance of the slow logistics of infantry on foot. In this, the opening phase of an operation, air forces sought to gain superiority over enemy air forces by attacking aircraft on the ground, bombing their airfields, and seeking to destroy them in air to air combat. The principle of Schwerpunkt enabled the attacker to win numerical superiority at the point of the main effort, which in turn gave the attacker tactical and operational superiority even though the attacker may be numerically and strategically inferior along the entire front.[42]

The late H. John Sirovy, an Operations Management Professor at Lake Forest Graduate School of Management (Lake Forest, IL), used this term frequently as a core principle in creating a successful operations plan for business.

Think of it as a graph with several lines.

Where the lines of timing, tactics, location, politics, capabilities, leadership, vision and the like intersect?

That's the Schwerpunkt.

Unfortunately, because of the leadership of our government, we are long past that.

Equally unfortunate is the fact that the intersecting lines are not at a fixed point. The window to act may be brief; it may move from place to place, time to time... or, as in this situation, it may disappear altogether.

Obama lies about "moving quickly." His dithering ass has been stuck in dead low gear from the get go, because cowards generally dither. We had the opportunity where the mere APPEARANCE of action would have been enough to topple this psycho.

But the dictators have already read the coward running this country like a book. The result?

Hundreds, if not thousands killed who otherwise would not have been. This bizarre concept that the United States truly supports democracy, blown to hell.

Bizarre pronouncements from a clown who'd rather play golf then address the issues... (That noose around Qaddafi's neck... is it really any tighter now then it was when Obama shot off his mouth? You know... while Q was destroying the rebels?) and action that had Bush taken it, would have resulted in his around the clock savaging.

We had the opportunity to use subtlety and feint to achieve the goal. Had we acted when the window was open, this would have been over by now.

But the world knows we're led by a total joke. And this "no fly zone" is utterly worthless now unless we put troops on the ground... because we waited far too long to ACT.

In this case, better late than never is neither. We had Iraq under a no-fly zone for years. And what did that accomplish?

Until we put American boots on the ground the guy was still in charge... and that's what we're going to see this time as well.

There are only two real questions: will this far-too-late action achieve the goal? And exactly what IS the goal, anyway?

We could have accomplished this early on by a strong speech... a few ship movements... an orchestrated feint.

But we didn't. And now we're going to pay... just like Obama's victims in Libya have paid because of his cowardice.


I'm just sorry that we're led by a group of such horrific incompetence.

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