Monday, March 28, 2011

So, when do we go to war with the rest of the Middle East?

One of the many problems with having an Empty Suit, either in Congress or in the White House, is that when they don't have a clue, nothing they say makes sense and their leadership simply cannot be trusted.

We have that in our congressional representation, and we have it in the presidency.

I've read Obama's speeches and comments.  I've reviewed where Biden said he would personally lead the charge to impeach any president who, well, did what Obama just did: take us to war without asking Congress first.

The problem is that the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House has no clue.  He has no experience.  He has no idea what the hell he's doing.

So when you hear him speak, you can replace the word "Libya," with the word "Syria," or "Bahrain" or "Yemen," or, well, Iran.

And what, exactly, are we doing in those countries?  They are, essentially, doing the same things to varying degrees.

Why are we staying out of Syria but jumping in to Libya?

Could it be... Oil?

Maybe.  But I'm suddenly reminded of Defense Secretary Gates words here:
"There are American national security interests and American vital interests where, in my view, we need to act decisively and if necessary act unilaterally," he says. "This is not one of them."
Then... why are we there?

And what stops us from going somewhere else?

If we had ANY confidence in our leadership, we might... just might... buy into the "it's a good idea" justification.

But it's no better to risk our lives and blow hundreds of millions of dollars we cannot afford in Libya then any of the other places mentioned above... places doing the exact same thing as Gaddafi... just at a lower volume, more difficult to hear.  And just another quick question: al Qaida has joined the rebels.  What are we going to do about that?

And we have no confidence in our leadership.

They've lied too much, ignored us too much, insulted our intelligence too much.

So, when do we start blowing up the rest of the area?  Because if we're justified in doing it here... and clearly, we are not... then we are justified in doing it everywhere else we feel like it.

And oddly enough, I don't believe that's what the left hired this moron to do.

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