Monday, March 28, 2011

A recent, illustrated history of democratian hypocrisy: Jim Jacks compared to an auto accident

Most anyone reading my blog is aware of the Jim Jacks debacle. Some level of his rampant misconduct in Olympia concerning female staffers and alcohol at a minimum and the democratian's cooperation with the democrats; who, through tax breaks, own that rag like they use it to mop up oil in a garage... and their not even subtle efforts to bury this eisode, covering for both Jacks and democrats.

From the comment section of the lame article the democratian settled for:

And then, we go over to an article about a tragedy on I-84:  Names released in fatal I-84 crash

What do we find?

Rampant "speculation" about the DEATHS of innocent people in a car wreck.

So... how come it's OK to speculate about the deaths of people in a car wreck... but it's somehow NOT OK to speculate about the TRAIN WRECK of a political career, now shot down in flames?

We know why.

This rag is doing everything they can to protect Jacks and the democrats.  After all, who cares about speculating on the tragic deaths of innocent people when speculation must be avoided all at all costs when the perp is Jim Jacks and a democrat.

Not so much when it's Jim Dunn or Richard Curtis and a Republican.


1 comment:

  1. As I said at the bottom of my post yesterday, if the only standards you have are double standards, then you have no standards at all.

    The near total blackout on any more news on Jacks smacks of the usual Democrat cover-up.

    Dunn and Curtis received what they deserved and the public ended up knowing much more than required.

    There was no respect for their privacy.

    The double standard is glaring!


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