Monday, March 28, 2011

No, Stephanie... it isn't. (Updated)

As I pointed out and proved the rag's hypocrisy about their double standard in reporting, their fall back?

"That was different."

Gee.  When it comes to the left, it's ALWAYS "different."

Except for one thing: it isn't.

The allegations against Jacks are just as credible as the allegations against Jim Dunn.  They are precisely the same kind of thing, within the same framework, involving the same kind of activity.

But the democratian's position?

The Richard Curtis case was a completely different set of circumstances. (And there were not 14 articles in five days, at least not all from The Columbian.) Curtis was first named by the Spokesman-Review as the victim in an alleged extortion attempt by a male prostitute. Curtis spent the next few days denying he'd paid for sex. Then a police report was released, saying Curtis admitted he'd paid for sex. Then he finally resigned. Then it came out that he'd asked the Washington State Patrol to help him out.

As other staffers said in the comments section last week, if there is ever anything credible to report about Jacks, we will report it. Until then, we will simply say he resigned for personal reasons. Stephanie

Stephanie Rice (Columbian Staff) — March 28, 2011 at 3:18 p.m. ( | suggest removal ) | Ignore User )
But somehow, Curtis' and Dunn's "right to privacy" didn't count as much as Jacks'.

There will never be anything that rises to the video tape level the democratian will require.  But as I pointed out earlier today, when it comes to a car wreck; none of those, live or dead, are entitled to the same considerations... because there, it's nothing BUT speculation.

This reeks with hypocrisy and an obvious double standard.  That those on the democratian staff continue to spout an unsupportable party line is as meaningless as this cover up.

Lew's response to Stephanie's idiocy?

"And there were not 14 articles in five days, at least not all from The Columbian."

01. Curtis denies wrongdoing, says he is not gay Monday, October 29, 2007 By Jeffrey Mize of The Columbian The Vancouver Columbian
02. Curtis denies sexual encounter JEFFREY MIZE Columbian staff writer October 30, 2007;
03. Police report sheds new light on Curtis encounter Tuesday, October 30, 2007 By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian Staff Writer
04. Report: Curtis admitted tryst JEFFREY MIZE Columbian staff writer October 31, 2007;
05. Curtis allegations ripple through La Center HOWARD BUCK Columbian staff writer October 31, 2007;
06. Curtis resigns from Legislature Wednesday, October 31, 2007 BY JEFFREY MIZE and KATHIE DURBIN, Columbian staff writers
07. GOP discusses possibility of asking Curtis to resign KATHIE DURBIN Columbian staff writer October 31, 2007;
08. Curtis breaks public silence Thursday, November 01, 2007 By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian Staff Writer
09. Embattled Curtis steps down Thursday, November 01, 2007 BY KATHIE DURBIN, Columbian staff writer
10. In our view: Replacing Curtis Columbian editorial staff November 1, 2007;
11. Curtis: ‘I am not the criminal’ Friday, November 02, 2007 BY JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian staff writer
12. La Center ponders politician’s actions Friday, November 02, 2007 BY DON HAMILTON, Columbian staff writer
13. This time, the humiliation isn't funny GREGG HERRINGTON Columbian staff writer November 2, 2007;
14. Press Talk: Why is the Curtis saga a news story? LOU BRANCACCIO Columbian editor November 3, 2007;

They are all right there in your archives, Stephanie. And, I assume you don't have to pay for them.

LewWaters — March 28, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. ( | suggest removal ) | Ignore User )

Of course there were.  But, like always... this is somehow "different."

And like the Nazis who didn't know about the concentration camps...

If the democratian doesn't know?

It's because they don't WANT to know.  Anything else is a flat out lie.

1 comment:

  1. I have to laugh at this. Stephanie clarified her point of there not being 14 articles in 5 days with, "sorry Lew, I didn't know you were counting columns and editorials."

    Who knew Columns and Editorials weren't articles? ;-)

    Oh well, she tried to save face.


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