Friday, March 18, 2011

Playtime is over in Wisconsin: here's how to get it done.

We all know by now they found a fringe left judge to grant a TRO to delay the implementation of the great laws passed in Wisconsin to neuter the public employee unions... as if such unions should even exist.

Well, here's how to fix that.

The president of the Senate can do a "call of the Senate and put the Senate in lock down. The only need one democrat, but locking all of them down would be the right way to go.

For aficionados, we know that a Call of the Senate literally locks all senators into the Senate Chamber. Senators would be physically restrained from leaving.

Further, I would close the capital building to avoid the idiocy the fringe left engaged in during their last Soviet exercise.

At that point, I would walk up to the senate minority leader and then I would hand him written notice of the vote.

I would schedule the vote for 25 hours later. I would start debate at the end of the 24th hour, and then, as the clock struck the end of the 25th hour, I would hold the vote.

Letting this thing play out, even though there are precisely zero legal grounds for this law not to be enforced, and that includes the any possible violation of any administrative rules will paralyze the budget process and lengfthen the time these slime will issue death threats to Republicans... so much for that civility garbage, eh?

This, or something like this, needs to happen.

And quickly.

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