Sunday, March 20, 2011

Here's the fix for Jim "All Mouth" Moeller.

Yesterday, our resident neo-communist in the 49th came out with the utterly false pronouncement that "Republicans didn't want a binding vote." Well, you partisan hack, here's the fix:

Of course, no one listens to his buffoonery down here. So, the questions becomes this:

What can All Mouth do up there to address this issue?

Simple: he can drop a bill; that will require ANY municipality, regardless of size or location, to ALWAYS hold binding votes on ANY project that requires, say, $100,000,000 or more to build.

So, Seattle wants to rape the people with tolling 520, a laughable project not unlike ours?

Fine. Those paying the tolls get the right to vote on the project.

In this case, because more then one city is involved (Seattle and Bellevue) then the vote would be both county wide... and binding. Down here, since every city in Clark County has commuters that use the bridge, then the vote would be county wide... and binding.

That way, Moeller's pure partisan bullshit is left out of the equation; all votes are binding; and the people get a say.

Moeller won't do that, of course. He's much more concerned about taxing candy and spewing his partisan crap to actually take any steps to address the issue.

So, there you have it. Perhaps THE most partisan, arrogant legislator in Olympia, spewing his lies... and I'm calling him on it. So, get on it, Mouth. You whine about what you think "Republicans" want? Then fix it.

Watch him do.... nothing. Because THAT is who he REALLY is.


  1. I think you're going to need a mea culpa when Jim turns out to be one of the people who pushes a vote... But we'll see.

    At the very least he deserves recognition for making a public statement - something I haven't seen forthcoming from most Dems - especially with his stance.

  2. Unless Moeller acts through the legislature; his wants, needs or desires on this issue are no more important then mine or yours.

    I don't mind Moeller backing the issue. What I mind his inevitable effort to utilize partisanship as a part of the effort.

    NO DEMOCRAT, including Moeller, has EVER advised that we be given a vote on this issue... until now... except to scam an election where their promise was quickly forgotten. Right, Steve?

    Yes. I appreciate Moeller going public with his much-too-late declaration.

    His insipid and inaccurate partisanship, given his silence over the past several years on the subject?

    Not so much.

    He's in a position to take the lead on DOING something... something that will put an end to this kind of nonsense anywhere in this state FOREVER.

    But we both know he won't do anything. Because what he's done here is nothing but a show... done to catch a wave that he's done nothing to cause... and through his silence has, in fact, done everything he can to keep down.

  3. Public statements are meaningless with our supportive actions, Martin.

    But, we are who have been pushing for a "binding vote" all along and facing much opposition from his side of the aisle, from the legislature right down to the city council.

    He's dead wrong on this one and as was said in the post, put forth the bill to give citizens the binding vote, on such projects.

    Then, we'll see who actually backs it and who doesn't.

  4. Kelly, Have you ever thought of putting a bug in Tim Eyman's ear? If Jim won't do it, I bet TIM would be interested since the Alaska Way viaduct, the 520 and I-90 are in his area of expertise.

    And a further comment, what makes Jim Moeller's statement even MORE gauling is that he SITS on the State house of Representatives Transportation Committee. If you don't know, do a little googling. he is a newbie to it, joined about a year or so ago and had attended a BUNCH of the CRC PSC meetings too.


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