Sunday, March 20, 2011

The idiocy of the moronic article: Local View: Choose best bridge for the future.

The request, made by two firms likely sucking millions out of the public trough for this crap pile, is easy. Unfortunately, the answer isn't what these two, who are ignoring the massive opposition to this steaming pile, want to hear.

The best bridge is a 3rd bridge located to the west of the I-5 Bridge and then a 4th bridge, east of the 205 bridge... with no light rail on any of them.

Since there is no justification for this steaming pile, "picking the best bridge design" is a great deal like picking your own form of execution.

In the end, the method doesn't really matter because the result is that you're dead.

This community neither wants, needs, nor can afford ANY of this garbage. And being urged to take any action by people who will reap, either directly or indirectly, the financial benefits of this community's pain is the height of hypocrisy and a sickening testimony to the mind set of those involved in this fiscal rape, where, much like the real victims of rape, what the victim wants, needs or has to have aren't even addressed... because the rapist doesn't care.

They do not care what we want. And what this article is talking about is the difference between shooting ourselves in the head or falling on a sword through our hearts.

As expected, these two want the most expensive option... when the people don't want any option at all.

And what the people REALLY want should take priority over what the governors, Identity Vancouver, the unions and their lackeys or those who stand to gain financially want by a damned sight.

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