Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chuckie "Slimeball" Schumer: Screw the people: we're gonna play politics.

From the caucus that brought you scumbag Dickie Durban (D-Illinois and Number 2 in the Senate), best known for comparing the US Army to Nazi's and living to tell the tale, comes Chuckie "Slimeball" Schumer (D-NY) who has certainly lived up to his name today:


Politics from the Nation's Capital

Schumer coordinates Dem budget attack on GOP

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Democratic Senate leadership, got on a conference call with reporters Tuesday morning without realizing the reporters were already listening in. Schumer thought he was on a private line with four Democratic senators who were to talk with reporters about the current budget stalemate.

Schumer instructed the group, made up of Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, to tell reporters that the GOP is refusing to negotiate.

He told the group to make sure they label the GOP spending cuts as "extreme."

"I always use extreme," Schumer said. "That is what the caucus instructed me to use."

Someone must have finally told Schumer that the media were listening and he stopped talking midsentence.

Caught with his political hand down his pants.

Make no mistake: these people are not interested in doing the right thing, unless that magically happens to match their agenda.


1 comment:

  1. Since he's a Democrat, will we have to wait until the Spokesman-Review does a story before the Columbian pursues it?


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