Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So, in the Jacks debacle... where's the Clark County GOP?

The cricket chirps are deafening from Hazel Dell, as the Clark County Republican Party steadfastly remains silent in the face of the democratian's obvious hypocrisy.  No demands for disclosure.  No demands for an investigation.  No.... nothing.  Just acquiescence.

The party is SUPPOSED to be run by the newly elected Chair, Brandon Vick.  But I think he's come to find out that he was supported for election more as a figurehead for Anna Miller than to function as the actual party chairman.

Meanwhile, the democratian reeks of disingenuous double standard... and the local party, quite expectedly, remains silent.

Believe me, I understand the challenges Brandon must face, with a 30 or so seat Executive Board and Miller's control over everything... it's got to be tough.

And the fact that we only managed to pick up one seat in the last election cycle speaks to the incompetence of the local party organization.

But then, what else is new?

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