Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More democrat transparency. (Update)

One hour and thirty minutes after this entry was posted, voilĂ !  The rag puts up the names.

Sheer coincidence, of course.  So far, "The Liar" Leavitt's name isn't on the list.  But if it's not "The Liar" Leavitt, it'll likely be Temple Lentz, an appointment I would look forward to for reasons I'll make apparent if she gets the job.  Stay tuned!

As we all know, the democrats, aided by local media, are doing all they can to cover former Rep. Jim Jacks' misconduct in Olympia.

Nothing official has been filed, so, of course, to the leftist, nothing must have happened.

Garbage, of course. Had Jacks had an "R" after his name, the democratian would have been all over it like white on rice.

As a result, it's fairly clear the concept of democrat transparency is a myth.

But wait, there's more!

This little snippet made the rag today:

A nascent field of seven potential Democratic hopefuls attended an informational meeting Monday to scope out a seat in the state Legislature.

None of the candidates at the meeting wanted their names released yet, said Mike Heywood, chairman of the 49th Legislative District Democratic Central Committee.
Gee.  I guess the rag doesn't want to tell us anything about anyone unless they say it's OK first.  One wonders: when did the democratian stop doing news, and just publish press releases?

One thing I am hearing though:

Don't be surprised if the name Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is appearing on that list.

After all, he's Steve "The Liar" Stuarts BFF, and Marc Boldt will appoint whoever Steve tells him to.  And if Steve "The Liar" Stuart gets him appointed, he'll be uniquely positioned for the next phase of screwing his constituents: working at the STATE level to jam his tolls up our collective anal orifices.

He'll also get more money.

So, don't be surprised if "The Liar" Leavitt takes this opportunity to get the hell out of Dodge.

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