Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wonder why the "Red Wave" stopped here? Maybe this will help: now former WSRP Chair Esser works for the SEIU as a lobbyist.

Recently unemployed former "Republican" Washington State Republican Chair Luke Esser found work rather soon... as a lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union... or SEIU.


Given our own local congressuit's SEIU ties, maybe it isn't.

Is Esser's SEIU gig a reward for WSRP political incompetence?

You've really got to wonder where principles play a role in the life of our political leaders. Furthering the SEIU's anti-American agenda... assisting them as they work so hard to increase the crushing burden on those few of us left with an actual private incomes must pay... aiding their efforts to stick it to the taxpayers of this state as they strive to further the agenda of that anti-American, racist bigot living in The White House with his socialist, income re-distributing agenda... most outside observers would think that a WSRP Chair wouldn't be caught dead assisting those whom would do us such lasting harm.

One, apparently, would be wrong.

Ridgefield Barbie is an example of that total lack of integrity. She actually co-sponsored SEIU legislation that would rape day care owners and customers on behalf of her political allies.

This is yet another reason to rely less on party alliance and more on the individual.

That, of course, is why I will oppose Ridgefield Barbie as long as she is in politics. She is the atypical kind of politico... a liar of convenience... a serial exaggerator and a coward.

The fine folks who've bought Luke Esser will likely come to rue the day. Jacking up our taxes is a much more difficult job under the auspices of the 2/3rd's requirement... and it will require the assistance of a few GOP votes.

How likely is Esser to be welcomed back to the Caucus?

I wouldn't hold my breath.

And for those who wonder why I hammer Republicans as much or more as democrats?

Wonder no more.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    How many other Bellevue mafia "Republicans" feel their only way to get elected is to sleep with the Left too.

    Is Rob McKenna going to be the next SEIU endorsed candidate?

  2. Astonishing in this is seeing Nan Malin quoted in the Seattle Times saying this was a "freakin embarrassment."

    Did she forget the depth of her own support for SEIU loving Herrera-Beutler?


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