Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Non-veteran idiots at the democratian: Murray is a terrible choice to chair Veteran's Affairs.

Having a non-serving pogue like faux veteran-supporter/veterans-as-campaign-props type like Murray chair Veteran's Affairs makes as much sense as having a man try and explain the woman's perspective about the birth experience.

Having the local rag, replete with a bunch of non-serving swine who have more in common with Goebbels then they do soldiers, is even lamer than that.

I've written about this stupidity in the past. The democratian, however, slapped on a set of knee pads and let loose for this poor choice that will cost veterans in the end... because whoever wrote this tripe knows as much about being a veteran as they know what it's like to have a frontal lobotomy: in short, not at all.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Murray to chair Veterans Affairs? Bad idea.

First and foremost, like having a president who never served in the military during a war, having a non-veteran chair the Veteran's Affairs Committee makes as much sense as having a man explain the experience of giving birth.

Murray has fooled a great many Veterans. I have tried to get her office to explain to me why, as a matter of course, I pay half as much to get my prescriptions at WalMart, Fred Meyers, Costco or Walgreens than I do at the VA... and her people won't even make the effort to find out.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen... non-serving civilians get better "benefits" at "Freddies" then honorably serving veterans at the VA when it comes to prescriptions.

Murray is very big on veterans when she's running for re-election.

The rest of the time?

Not so much.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
The myth that Patty Murray is all that for Veterans.

Murray's vet position is, perhaps, the biggest scam I've ever seen in politics.

Murray takes credit for doing things that, well, she doesn't deserve.

Unfortunately, if she has juice for Vets, she won't use it. For example, the clinic closure issue.

Some of the more ignorant Vets actually believe that Murray had anything to do with keeping some clinics open and expanding others here in Washington State.

She actually spent more time paying off campaign donors with earmarks then she did having anything to do with that.

See, the question Murray never answers about that is this:

If you had so much muscle, Murray.... then why did they even look at closing those clinics? The GREAT Patty Murray?

Well, if you were all that, they'd have never even looked at closing clinics here. The mere thought of angering Patty Murray by looking at closing VA facilities in WA State would have been immediately rejected, and IF Murray had all that muscle... or even concern.... then no Clinics in this state would have been reviewed.

What kept the clinics open was the system. That is, at the hearings I attended, the evidence was overwhelming that the facilities needed to be kept open, so they were. Murray had zero impact on that.

And, in fact, here's my Murray question, asked repeatedly but unanswered with equal frequency: Why is it that drugs I buy at WalMart, KMart, Fred Meyers, Costco, etc, cost 40% of what the VA charges?

Common drugs, like hydrochlorothiazide... cost $27 for a quarter (3 months) at the VA... and $10 a quarter at any of those stores.

My repeated question to Murray's office? Why is it that civilians who never served get a much better deal paying for their medications then us Veterans? Why is it that with the 5 medications I take, if I could get the script to get them from a store instead of from the VA, I'd save 5 X 17 X 4 ($340) per year? For those Veterans on a fixed income, this kind of expense can be devastating. And you won't even address the issue.

Her answer?

A deafening silence.

That begs the question as to why Veterans have to pay ANYTHING for our medical care... because that damned sure wasn't the deal when I enlisted in 72.

Nevertheless, if you can fix that, Patty, I might think, first, that you give a damn instead of using veterans as a political tool, and second, that you actually DO have some political muscle.

Meanwhile, this veteran ain't voting for you. This veteran is sick of you scamming Vets into believing that you either care, or that you've ever done anything for us, except use us.

Friday, August 27, 2010
The myth of Patty Murray's concern for Veterans.
As usual, the local rag is again reassuming their typical election year status as an arm of the Democrat National Committee. Their latest effort?

This bogus puff piece on Patty Murray where they falsely claim she's visiting with a "focus on Veteran's issues."

While marketing herself as a champion of veteran's issues, that persona is false. What she's really doing here is focusing on veteran's VOTES as opposed to veteran's ISSUES.

One problem a commenter on the Murray puff piece spelled out is this:

...I take 3 prescriptions. The VA charges $27 for a 90 day prescription. I can get all 3 from Costco or Freddies for $10 for a 90 day fill. Copays are higher at the VA for those in priority 7 or 8 unless you can show in a means test that you are destitute. I am a WW2 veteran and can get better and cheaper medical care through BC/BS and Vancouver Clinic. So much for Patty and her great help.

mooney — August 27, 2010 at 9:09 a.m. ( permalink suggest removal )

So, when it comes to the issue of medication, we get better care from WalMart or Fred Meyers.

That is not to say Murray does nothing for Veterans. When I could not get the VA to provide me with script to enable me to go to Fred Meyers and get my FOUR prescriptions from them that would cost me $40 for the quarter that would now cost me $108 at the VA for the exact same thing (Man, it's a damned good thing I served 14 years in uniform... so I can get the same medications that civilians can get for only $68 MORE... PER QUARTER... meaning that the VA charges me $272 MORE per year for these meds then civilians WHO NEVER SET FOOT IN THE MILITARY pay at Freddies... or Costco... or WalMart.) Murray's Veteran's guy actually arranged for the VA to give me the script I needed to get the much cheaper prescriptions filled at Fred Meyers.

But when I asked him to get Murray to look in to why the VA charges us much more than Fred Meyers for these same drugs, he flat out refused to even ask.

So it's not that Murray doesn't KNOW the government/VA is screwing us... it's just that she doesn't care.

And this "The Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans With Children Act?"

Since when do female veterans or veterans with children rate ANY consideration that male veterans WITHOUT children don't also rate?

Here's a clue, Patty. In this state, we've outlawed gender as a consideration by the state government and every government below that level. Women are worth precisely NOTHING more than men; men with children are worth precisely NOTHING more then veterans WITHOUT children... and I say this as a veteran WITH children.

"Separate but equal is not equal." Perpetrating the myth that one veteran is worthy of consideration or benefits that ALL veterans cannot have because of their gender or because they've got children is garbage and the kind of pandering that sickens me.

Murray has had 18 years to work to fulfill the promises made to me and millions of other veterans when we enlisted, as I did during the Vietnam War; or were drafted; that we were to have FREE health care, from head to foot, FOR LIFE... the operative word being FREE.

If Murray had muscles to flex... if she was all that and a bag of chips for veterans... SHE would have fixed this stuff.

She hasn't. And I have paid thousands of dollars over the years for my "free" health care, health care that I prepaid by serving my country.

Patty Murray will suck as a chair for Veteran's Affairs. And that she will suck won't make any difference to the democratian, because so few down there ever thought highly enough of their country to wear its uniform.


  1. Last I looked, every comment, although few in number, tells of Veterans who have been snubbed or received no help from Murray when asked for.

    And personally, who cares what her Daddy did and had. It has no bearing on her using Veterans to further her political career.

    If she really cared about us, she would ensure Troops have what they need when deployed, not use them as political pawns and she would stand up and show respect for us, not just use us for photo ops.

    All I see her do is throw money and block efforts to weed out phony wannabes drawing VA money that should be going to truly deserving disabled Veterans.

  2. So,,, I'm not the only one she's blown off?

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    washingtonstatewire.com (Esser)


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