Wednesday, February 02, 2011

When they're right... they're right: Herrera is a "health care hypocrite."

Earlier, I challenged Ridgefield Barbie to put talk into action.

Since her arrival back here after her decade-plus absence in the carefully choreographed dance and, well, conspiracy, that resulted in the election of the emptiest suit in Congress, Herrera has yet to show vision, courage, or integrity.

Even now, she fails... on a daily basis... to take positions on the issues confronting us, or to act in our best interests against those who own her like she was black and this was 1856.

So far, her tenure has been utterly predictable. Unfortunately for those of us she "represents," as I suspect, the person she actually represents is the one who really built her... Cathy McMorris.

As McMorris's puppet, she blew off taking her married name until it became politically tenable, and used her half-hispanic heritage as if it were a reason to elect her... when, of course, such covert racism is absolutely unsupportable.

Well, as I suspected, Babs is in this only for her self. The idea that she would show integrity like Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) and turn down the "gold plated government-sponsored health insurance plan" is as unlikely for Barbie as showing intelligence, understanding, knowledge or actual concern for these she is SUPPOSED to represent.

Well, the democrats are nailing her for her obvious hypocrisy. And I am much more concerned about truth then I am party.

In the few minutes she actually met with constituents in Longview last night, the following exchange too place, according to TDN.COM

But Gary Bruner of Battle Ground stood and said his daughter was denied health coverage until now because of a pre-existing condition. He said his daughter is healthy and athletic and takes no medication, yet insurance companies wouldn't cover her until the health care reform law went into effect.

Bruner said that when he called Herrera Beutler's Capitol office to discuss the matter, a staffer hung up on him. "Do you not want to hear from people unless they agree with you 100 percent?" Bruner asked the Congresswoman.

"I have no explanation for why someone hung up on you," Herrera Beutler (How about, "the fish rots from the head down?") responded, adding that her staff knows she "would be very upset" if she learned of such treatment of a constituent.

"I don't have all the answers," Herrera Beutler said. "I want to hear both the good and the bad, regardless of whether we agree on the issues.

Barbie is SUCH a kidder.

Her staff projects a mirror image of Her Worthlessness.

The article detailing her hypocrisy is here.

But really... based on who she is and what she's "done," did we expect anything better or different?

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.



  1. As I reminded others, she has a town hall at Battle Ground city hall tomorrow evening, Feb 3 6:30 to 7:30.

    I encourage all to attend and voice their concerns to her, even if you won't receive a legible reply.

    Who knows, maybe the Dems have a David Hedrick in the wings waiting for his/her chance to shine on YouTube.

  2. vantucky colonel6:58 PM

    As long as the Dems "David Hedrick" doesn't beat his wife, that would be just fine with me.

  3. Lew or Kelly, Can you both get back to us on how that Battle Ground meeting goes.

    I have a family commitment that I cannot get out of that night, so I won't be able to go.

  4. Funny you mention that, vantucky colonel.

    I thought his trial was supposed to be held already and so far, the Columbian appears to have gone mum on the subject.

    With her recanting the charges, I expected a dismissal, but no one is speaking at all about it.

    As for any comments at the town hall, she's in the big leagues now, so she better be ready.

    She wanted it, regardless of her claims and she got it.

    We'll see tomorrow night.

    BTW, she moved the location to the Battle Ground Community Center, 912 E. Main St. Same time.

  5. I just got back from the Herrera-Beutler gala town hall, B-O-R-I-N-G!

    Commenters were chosen by raffle and every single question was a soft one, not one person questioned her taking healthcare and voting to repeal Obamacare.

    She passed around her congressional voting card for everyone to see.

    She began by asking how long to everyone drive to get there and the one that drove the longest, she went back to him to talk to him, saying he must have something to say or ask.

    He didn't, he was the vice chief/chair of the Cowlitz tribe and said he was there to listen.

    Answers were vague and non-specific.

    She brought some charts to show and made one comment that she had no idea our national debt was so high or growing as it is.

    I'm not even sure it will be worth blogging.


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