Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Need more proof that La Center's city government is a wholly-owned Mohegan/Paskenta/Cowlitz/Barnett subsidiary? Look no further.

Over the years, I've been puzzled by how the city government of La Center has reacted to their imminent demise if the organized crime enterprise/megacasino is ever built... because if this thing ever sees the light of day, La Center will become the first ghetto in Clark County... since, well, Washougal.

The mayor of that town has acted as if the tribe was paying him directly. Sheriff Lucas, of course, only cares about expanding his empire, so two of his top deputies moved into La Center to facilitate that effort by helping to co-opt city government and do all they can to make that happen, because the tribal mafia's pay off will be what... 17 more FTE's? And who cares about quality of life issues when you can get more bodies?

La Center's mayor has opposed every effort to thwart the tribe's intention, going so far as to violate council edicts concerning communication with the pro-casino criminals. He has worked VERY hard to elect fellow travelers who, for the most part, cheerfully join in His Mayorship's effort to put La Center, in it's entirety, under tribal control.

With the bogus and indefensible Interior decision to allow these criminals to build their economic blackhole at Exit 16 of I-5, people who actually care about this community have banded together to fight this unwanted intrusion.

Noticeable by their absence?

You guessed it. La Center.

There's no reason or excuse for that, unless you're bought and paid for to keep out of it.

And the mayor gives us this little pearl of wisdom:
“We don’t know what we’d appeal it on,” Irish said. “The cardrooms have. The Grand Ronde have. Now Clark County has. If the council decides to do anything, we will decide to intervene maybe on one side or the other.”
If he doesn't know, then he's a dangerous, self-deluding idiot.

This decision violates Carcieri. That's all he needs to know to appeal it.

That he's taking the ostrich approach and acting like there isn't any reason to try and stop this idiocy gives cause to wonder:

When and how much?

As for the rest of it, let me decode it:

"We'll let everyone else do the heavy lifting, and as soon as we figure out which way this thing is going, we'll jump in on that side."

What a fricking slimeball.


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    He is right. Others are already appealing on Carcieri...why spend additional taxpayer dollars on it, except to support that effort IF needed? In addition, the citizens of La Center have over-whelmingly supported negotiations with the Casino, as proven by their votes for the current council. So, if doesn't do any good to spend the money and your citizens don't support it, why do it?

    I still don't understand your opposition to this casino. If you look at other communities served by Indian Casinos, there has been significant benefits to those communities, with hugely smaller than expected adversities. In addition, the average wages for the jobs offered by the casino are above the local averages for those sectors. Jobs, benefits to the surrounding communities (additional jobs to those businesses that would be supporting the casino, as well as direct financial benefit to the communities themselves), and attraction to other activities and tourist destinations in the area. Opposition here is tremendously off-base.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    And another thing...for someone that fights against government interference in our lives as a conservative, how is it that now you want MORE government interference when someone wants to bring legal commerce to the area? Hmmmmmm?

  3. He's wrong.

    La Center stands to be economically devastated by this blight on our community, while he has done everything he can to make that happen.

    In this instance, "negotiations" aren't the issue. This is a violation of a Supreme Court decision that's issue; and taking it a step further, "citizens" have been fooled by professionals who've made them think they have had no choice in the matter... so they feel an inevitable rape coming on... so they need to relax and enjoy it.

    And while you claim "it doesn't do any good," what do you offer to support that?

    And, there is no reason to be disingenuous: (Uncasville) the town where the Mohegan Sun sits has been economically devastated by the tax-free competition that casino, one of the two largest on the planet (like this one pencils out to be the fifth largest) that does not have to follow any of the same rules when it comes to wages, unemployment, or B&O taxes (you know, like the rest of us small businesses?) that the rest of us have to pay.

    La Center will be no different.

    Further, the Mohegans are paying Connecticut $400 million a year in taxes. What does this plan pay to Washington?


    And that money goes into Connecticut's state general fund... so Uncasville doesn't even benefit... while the taxpayers are picking up the tab for a school system that has to teach children in 32.... (yeah, that's right, 32) different languages, since the sub-minimum wage jobs the tribe provides to nontribal members draw that kind of work force.

    If there was level competition... if the backers of this effort didn't involve a major druggie with an extensive criminal record and restraining orders from at least 2 different women (Barnett), if a tribal council member, WHO DOESN'T HAVE A DROP OF COWLITZ BLOOD IN HIS VEINS and who, himself, had been fired from Microsoft for sexual harassment... if those shilling for this horrific effort hadn't used threats and intimidation to get their way... if they would pay ALL of their expenses, including increased social services, major off reservation transportation infrastructure improvements, and major expenses to local schools while we deal with a decided lack of low income housing... if they had to pay at least Washington State's minimum wage along with L&I, unemployment and B&O tax... and if their location had anything to do with their tribal lands... if this wasn't a complete violation of zoning ordinances that they feel shouldn't apply to them... if there weren't major environmental concerns... and if any of these clowns even lived here (since none of them do)... then maybe I could live with this.

    But none of those things are at play here.

    They have lied, mislead, attempted to interfere in local elections for state representative and successfully on one out of two efforts to buy a county commissioner race... a purchase that blew up in Barnett's face.

    And while you might like to live in an area run by a tribal Boss Hogg, presuming you live anywhere around here at all... I don't. And I will do everything I legally can to stop this from happening, including holding elected officials accountable for the fact they, including Irish, are selling us out for their 30 pieces of silver.

    Thanks for stopping by, whoever you may be.

  4. "Legal commerce" that violates the laws of this area and violates I-200 as it would apply to anyone else, by providing race-based advantages that the rest of us can only dream of, you mean?

    Again... thanks for stopping by. Next time, use a name.

  5. Look, I know what I know... and can prove all of it.

    But there seems to be some part of "next time, use a name" that you don't understand, so I believe we're done here... unless, of course, I can identify you.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
