Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Once again, the democratian misleads the public.

It's pretty much a given that there's no lie the rag won't print to get the ignorant and uninformed to buy off on their unneeded, unwanted, unnecessary and unaffordable I-5 Bridge/loot rail boondoggle that will enslave 65,000 commuters and their families to the tune of $1300 per year... each... just so they can go to work and the rag can get the loot rail they've been drooling over since I first arrived here, some 23 years ago.

Their latest mis-direction? Their sniveling over SB 5360 and it's companion bill, HB1470.

Now, make no mistake: the ONLY reason this societal carbuncle is whining about this is that it takes a major chunk of change out of their pockets, since they charge for what should amount to be a free public service... especially in the face of the major B&O tax cut these slime received while the rest of us in small business got hit with a 20% INCREASE in our B&O taxes, at least partially in response to backfill that of the democratian and other rags through the state.

They cover all that under the lame guise of reducing transparency.

I repeat: the ONLY thing they give a damn about here is the check. But they can hardly come out and say that directly, can they?

Of course not. So they want the government to continue to fork over major chunks of taxpayer dollars for something no one ever reads anyway.

That's misleading enough... but THIS bit is over the top:
The key task here is to determine how the largest number of citizens can have the easiest access to information about their governments’ legal transactions. The Columbian’s website is the most popular source of online public information in Clark County, with an average 2.5 million hits per month. Local governments fall far short of that online traffic. The city of Vancouver’s website receives fewer than 1 million
hits per month.
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? And it is... until you examine the numbers.

The rag wowed us with the number of "hits." But the number of people checking out their site?

Well, according to woorank.com, which keeps track of these sorts of thing... the number of PEOPLE, which is geometrically more important then the number of "hits," averages at most, around 3,300... per day... and that's the highest figure... with as low as 1,000 per day possible.

The rag, of course, knows this. But instead of using the best, most real number to illustrate the TRUE amount of traffic this slop pit gets, they have to mislead us... again... proving that, while figures don't lie... liars do figure.

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