Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama's unconstituttional power grab on DOMA.

Imagine, if you will, the year 2005.

President Bush's press secretary stands that at the podium, looks in the camera, and says "The president has decided he will no longer defend 'homosexual rights.' They're unconstitutional, we've decided, and this Administration will no longer waste time, effort and money defending what WE decide is unconstitutional."

I doubt that Mr. Bush would have lived out the day.

Now we see a president who, ON HIS OWN AUTHORITY, has decided to ignore his own oath to "protect and defend the Constitution" and he has made the arbitrary, political and unsupportable position that he no longer has to defend the laws of this land against attack from the Judiciary.

Of course, he won't apply whatever his reasoning was to a genuinely unconstitutional bill like Obamacare... oh, no, he'd never do that.

Nor should he.

But he also has a duty to continue to defend EVERY federal law... including those he doesn't like.

And there's no excuse for this pandering decision.

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