Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memo to Tim Welch: WFSE. You people are sucking us dry. There. Glad I could help.

As the relationship between the wholly union-owned democrat state government comes under increasing scrutiny as the details about how badly state employees and their unions are screwing us, a sense of mystification emanates like the gentle waft of fresh cow manure from their representatives.

Take, for example, this bit of cow plop from one Tim Welch of the "Washington Federation of State Employees," one of the government/taxpayer leaching organizations infesting us now:
Welch said the anti-collective-bargaining bills introduced this year could be a harbinger of what’s to come if the anti-union political tide sweeping the Midwest spreads west.

“The significance of those bills is an illustration of what could happen if there is a change in the political makeup in Olympia,” he said. And that could happen, he said.

“It does baffle us why the Senate Republicans have it in for state employees so much,” he said. “We have a bipartisan approach to endorsements and political contributions.”

Well, here's how I view it:

1. There is no legal requirement for public employee unions. That's what civil service protections are for. We can get rid of them.

2. These people presumably knew that the people were their employers... and the ones responsible for their pay checks.

3. These people were presumably aware of what the pay scale and benefits of their job was when they agreed to take it. If we act to reduce either pay or benefits, they can always quit.

4. These people also have some basic awareness that the public has been hit every hard by a horrific recession. You know... the public that pays their salary?

5. These people also voted for President Obama. The same Obama who told us that under our circumstance, we have to engage in "shared sacrifice." And comparatively speaking, the people paying the salaries of those in the public employee unions have been much more sacrificing then those complaining... even in the face of this recession... that they are somehow not paid enough... or it's wrong to lose their free medical... or that they should have to pay what the average non-government employee pays for their medical or pension...

Which brings me to Welch's disingenuous confusion.

To that end, state employees have not done nearly enough to "share the sacrifice."

I believe we need to START with pay and benefit cuts... a level of pay and benefits increasingly scarce in the private sector (The two democrats on the county commission, Stuart and Boldt, allowed many county employees to once again avoid paying ANYTHING for their health care premiums, for example) that we haven't begun to approach.

We are in an employer's market. WE are the employers. We should take the steps needed to begin the process of cutting public employees, either across the board or in place. After all, if government employees don't like it, they can always quit.

As for Welch, let me get specific.

You and your kind have been screwing us long enough. Public employee costs are among the highest taxpayer expenses of all... and those costs must be reduced.

You people have had several months to get out in front of this situation... you've missed a golden opportunity to announce that you get it, that you understand that your employers... us... are hurting and hurting badly.

Instead, you filed suit against the governor and you whined like cut cats when your health care costs at the state level were jacked up a whole 3 percent.

That's not enough. That's not NEARLY enough.

And your "we try and buy everyone with cash and endorsements" is a telling indictment of what's wrong with you people.

Government employees in the civilian side at every level must be cut to the bone. And until they are, hopefully, Republicans at every level will "continue to have it in for you..." because for far too long, the democrats you've owned like the 13th Amendment was the 13th Suggestion, have had it in for us, the taxpayers.

And what goes around...

...comes around.


  1. If the concept of unions is to join forces to equalize the playing field with the owners in a capitalist society - who are the public unions joining forces against?

    Forced dues and no choice of representation. Bullying tactics and no accountability. Arrogance and self-righteous indignation.

    If the tide spreads West - must be Global Warming.

  2. You're absolutely correct--the public unions are headed toward their Waterloo and guaranteed, they will lose.

    You'd think that given the slow economy and record deficits and waning tax revenues, that unions would recognize that overall, they have it better than most; and that demanding more damages not only the State, but their credibility as well.

    The MAJORITY is watching and as the developments in Wisconsin unfold, you can rest assured that the voters will remember this in 2012.


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