Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where's Waldo Obama?

So, the Middle East (which does have some admittedly vague strategic importance to the United States) is going up like a matchstick.

Naval elements off the coast of Somalia botch a rescue attempt, 4 Americans are killed.

Iran is moving naval assets through the Suez. Waldo has taken no action to stifle Iran's nuclear urge (I guess he wants to be the guy who allowed Iran to become a nuclear military power) and the Israelis, who have more testicular fortitude in their figurative little finger, have done more damage with a computer virus than the entire combined might of an increasingly shriveling American superpower.

It appears that The Clueless One is so far over his head that we need to pipe in some daylight.

That same dearth of skills he's displayed on the domestic front now held up to ridicule by the Iranians who keep pushing and pushing and pushing. A Typically helpless UN, that since his Ambassador can't seem to find the time to attend Security Council meetings (She seems to be at a group hug on the ubiquitous "sustainability" issue in South Africa... much more important then acting to save the Libyan people from being slaughtered, you understand) the UN will hold more meetings, give speeches and accomplish nothing... which seems to pretty much be their mantra since the Korean War... but you can bet the weekly White House party took place last night...

We have... had... the opportunity to make a difference and live up to all those high-flying ideals we're supposed to have. Instead, Obama fiddled while the Middle East burns.

We have an air arm that could get things done, that we should have been using in Iran for the past 6 years, that we should be using now in Lybia and Somalia.

Instead, we do nothing, sending the international signal of weakness and incompetence, emboldening our enemies... those who would do us harm.

And Iran laughs while blood runs.

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