Monday, February 28, 2011

MORE hypocrisy from Obama and the Klingon Princess?

Readers here are well aware of the hypocrisy of the Klingon Princess and the Empty Suit, who are very big on telling US how and what to eat, not to smoke, etc... you know, all the stuff THEY do... typically with the taxpayers picking up a large part of the tab?

Well, here's a goody that will just warm the cockles of your heart.

Attention Townspeople: This Is What Hypocrisy Looks Like

Written by Mockarena // February 28, 2011 // The Makeover And/Or Miscellaneous // 10 Comments

A clever and competent reader sent me this link, which I found to be a perfect example of the Obamas’ hypocrisy on the whole environmental front.

Apparently, Cornell McClellan, referred to in the sourcelink as “Obama’s fitness czar,” provides in-person training to Barry and Michelle every single week. And I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Awesome! They Obamas are physically fit and staying in shape and exercising and staying healthy!” And you’d be right. Except that Cornell McClellan has to FLY IN FROM CHICAGO every week in order to train the First Couple. He owns a fitness/wellness center in Chicago, but Barack and Michelle couldn’t bear the thought of hiring someone other than Cornell to lead them in exercise, so they insisted he stay on as their personal trainer.

He says, “It was an easy sell for me, because I thought of it as kind of a duty, to serve the president.” He trains the First Couple 2-4 times per week, and then presumably flies back home to Chicago. Lather, rinse, repeat.

But here’s the problem. Obama, King Cap ‘n Trade himself, is simply ignoring the fact that it takes 50,000 pounds of carbon emissions annually to fly his personal trainer out to DC every week. Because there are apparently NO AVAILABLE personal trainers in the DC area that would meet the Obamas’ physical fitness requirements.

As the sourcelink reminds us, “last July, Obama announced that he wanted federal workers to cut down on business travel and commuting by car in order to reduce emissions produced by the federal government.” He and his wife excluded. OBVIOUSLY.

So, all of you commoners? If you could just go ahead and cut down on your business travel and car trips, that’d be great. Meanwhile, Michelle’s got some arms to tone.

Hypocrisy really isn't one of those leadership traits I picked up in the NCO Academy, or Officer's Basic.

Maybe Obama could spend a week at Squad Leader School (BNCOC) to learn what true leadership really is?


H/T to Chicks on the Right.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention how much it is costing the taxpayers to fly this guy back and forth every week. These two aren't in this to help the country or even lead the country, they are in it for the perks...and in this particular job, there are a heck of a lot of them. They've done what they came to do...obamacare etc, now they will just sit back and enjoy the ride for $450,000 a year.


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