Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Brancaccio: from utter absurdity to complete idiocy: "I don't have no stinking agenda!"

There are lies, damned lies, and Lou's columns.

I was stunned speechless when I read this total and complete lie in the comment's section of Brancaccio's latest hit piece (And there will be many, many more to come) on David Madore.

And for those who say we have some sort of agenda -- in this case -- pro bridge with the likelihood tolls would be needed -- why would we give Mr. Madore a platform on the #1 local web site to voice his opinion which disagrees with our opinion?

The answer is simple. We welcome his information. I've previously thanked him for his information. Whatever our editorial (opinion) stand is on the bridge, that has nothing to do with doing the most we can to bring you news and information that is important to you.

Mr. Madore's information is important to the entire community and -- as you can see -- he has been welcomed to discuss it here.

I'm sure someone will find a negative in this but so be it.

Lou Brancaccio (Columbian
— February 28, 2011 at 1:41 p.m. (
suggest removal ) Ignore User

Here, Lou... let me help you with that.

All the way back to the days of the last loot rail vote, which lost overwhelmingly in a crushing defeat of around 70/30 or so, no, the rag you work for has rabidly supported bringing loot rail into Vantucky.

Article after article... much like the lies and trash you, your reporters, and your trained monkey Laird spew, week after week... month after month.

You have an agenda that is easily traced through multiple editorials where the ONLY acceptable outcome to you and your despicable rag was a new bridge to replace the one we have which works perfectly fine as it is... and loot rail. Article after article with no opposing view, destroying any pretense of journalism.

Week after week, that slimeball that runs your editorial page uses his column to beat the hell out of those wise enough to oppose your delusions. You whine about "civility," then unleash that mutt against those who dare stand up to you... much like you came after me because I oppose your peculiar brand of tyranny.

How many times did you or your minions tell us that we HAD to have loot rail or we wouldn't get a new bridge... just to find out that was just another one of your horrific lies?

Article after article about how wonderful burying the people of this community into life-time debts, billions of dollars in size, for a project that would do NOTHING to improve freight mobility or congestion... while stripping 10's of millions of dollars in disposable income out of the local economy every year into perpetuity.

Your paper used to put up sham polls with preordained outcomes... until people like me picked them apart.

You failed to crucify The Liar when you know damned well if the shoe had been on the other foot, you would be calling for his political execution because of his lies.


You don't even mention it, because you and the rest of the downtown mafia want us to "forget."

Well, guess what, Lou.

*I* don't forget.

And let me answer your question as to the "why" you HAVE to pay attention to Madore now.

It's primarily because he's got a checkbook that could buy and sell you a dozen times over, and he's not afraid of using it. And as a result, you can't hide behind your favorite lie back in the day, that you never published anything from opponents to your steaming pile project because you couldn't find any.

So, if you ignored Madore now, you'd wind up looking like a bigger idiot then you already do.

Meanwhile, you and the rest of your winged monkeys have done all you can do to destroy the man's public persona. You've tried to make him a conservative, public whipping boy.

How dare you lie so egregiously by claiming your rag doesn't have an outright agenda: to get that damned bridge built no matter what, to get loot rail into Vancouver no matter what, and to bury us in debt... a debt YOU won't have to pay... no matter what.

You've supported the waste of far north of $100,000,000 tax dollars JUST FOR STUDIES... holding no one accountable. You've NEVER demanded that this horrific piece of crap ever go to a vote... because YOU do not WANT to see us have a voice into whether or not we actually WANT this garbage... because to you, what the community wants is meaningless if it doesn't mesh with YOUR agenda.

That you deny it just goes to confirm what a slimy creature you really, really are... far better than I ever could.

Let me know if you have any other questions you need answered... I will gladly entertain them until the end of the class period.

1 comment:

  1. There is little doubt that Brancaccio and the Columbian are leading the Madaoreophobia in Clark County.

    How dare a successful businessman stand up for the people.


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