Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Liar, Burkman and Harris: "First Amendment? We don't need no stinking First Amendment!"

I have never seen such an abusive, arrogant government body in the 30 years I've been watching (well-excluding our democrat-controlled Congress and Legislature)

Just who the hell does The Liar think he is?

He has NO RIGHT to even THINK about asking for an apology, from ANYONE, given his slimy, backstabbing, lying campaign... and then having his booty-call get up there and call the people she works for "liars."

How dare he?

Last night, The Liar seemed unhappy with Madore's responses.

And Burkman's babble?

The last thing we care about is YOUR "disappointment" in ANY private citizen. Since I first posted this, I've come to find out that YOU are the RTC Chair... and it was YOUR organization that SPAWNED this hundred million dollar plus black hole that vaporizes money for nothing at an astronomical rate... with absolutely NOTHING but a stack of paper to show for it.

YOU are "disappointed" in Madore?

Imagine how the majority of us feel about you.

YOU are the elected official here, and you and many of that cabal you hang with are doing everything you can to ram a multi-billion dollar boondoggle down our throats while you do nothing to ask us... because in your arrogance, you actually seem to believe that YOUR judgement supersedes that of the public you are shafting.

Harris's apology is meaningless. She's apologized before... and it hasn't made any difference.

The only apology Harris could make that has any meaning would be attached to her resignation.

*I* have downloaded that video (Located Here) ... and if Madore takes it down, *I* will put it back up.

And that you could possibly defend that witch, given her history of abusing the public, is simply beyond the pale.

It's actions like these that make so many hate government. The innate, self-superiority... the lies, exaggerations and arrogance.


And the demand you clowns made that Madore take that video down?

What the hell are you idiots thinking?

You have no right to make that demand. None.

You have no justification to even think about even requesting that Madore or anyone else censor what they post, ESPECIALLY when it's a public record.

You people work for us. And that minor detail seems to escape you time after time.

The Taliban could take lessons from you lot.

We, at least, are SUPPOSED to be laboring under the illusion of a democratic system.

You people don't even bother.


  1. Are you aware that Burkman is the RTC Chair? The originators and promoters of CRC...

  2. I wasn't... but it explains a great deal... and I, for one, am stunned and amazed.

  3. Then you might not be aware that Leavitt is an RTC Board member.

  4. Burkman's expressions last night, while not over the top as were Harris' last year, still show a certain air of disdain towards citizen opposition to their agenda in this boondoggle.

    I will have video of his comments and Tonya Rulli's anger expressed last evening shortly posted and available for sharing.

    In fact, Rulli's were the angriest expressions I heard all evening.

  5. And did you guiys guys know that Leavitt was the C-tran Chairman about four years ago just before becoming Mayor?

    And I believe Tim might have been the RTC chair as well, though I could be wrong. Also Steve Stuart represents RTC on the CRC Project sponsors council. And he's on the RTC committee too.


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